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Esther slowly traces her fingers up and down Lily's arm, lifting her hand to her lips kissing the inside of her palm

Esther: I hate that I'm the reason you're dying

Lily: It just means I can't live without you. Another reason we're made for each other.

Esther smiles, running her fingers through her hair

Esther: I love how you see the good in everything, darling. One of the many things I love about you.

Lily smiles resting her chin on her chest, Esther wraps her arm around her twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

Lily leans up pressing her lips to hers in a slow loving passionate kiss, Esther cups her face moving her lips slowly against hers

Lily: I love you

Esther: I love you more, Lily Flower.


Elena: Stefan?

Stefan: Go away! You shouldn't be here Elena.

Elena: Stefan, I need your help. Bonnie said that you would be here.

Stefan: Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets.

Elena: Listen, you need to give Klaus his family back.

Stefan: Oh, really? Is that what I need to do?

Elena: Klaus compelled Jeremy to stand in front of speeding car. Don't you get it? Stefan, he's not gonna stop until he gets what he wants.

Stefan: Elena, stop talking. I'm not giving Klaus anything.

Elena: Lily's dying!

Stefan: Don't care. Not my problem. Let the traitor die

Elena slaps him harshly across the face

Elena: Go to hell!

She runs out of the house

Damon: That didn't go over well.

Elena: Don't even start, Damon!

Damon: Let me talk to him!

Elena: You can't get in! The witches won't let you!

Damon: Here. Take my car keys. You go deal with your brother, I'll deal with mine.

He gives the keys to Elena, and then rushes into the house, running from shadowy spot to spot, so that he doesn't get burned, until he reaches the basement where Stefan is siting in a chair.

Stefan: Wow! That was impressive. But the coffins aren't here, so...You can go away now.

Damon: I don't care about the coffins. We need to talk.

Stefan: Okay, lets talk.

Damon: Nothing's ever easy with you, is it?

Damon attacks Stefan and throws him out the house, kicks him in the stomach, takes a branch off a tree and stakes him in the stomach.

Damon: That is for screwing up my plan! You stop me from killing Klaus and you steal his family! Why?? Doesn't make sense! Answer me!!

Stefan: Piece by piece Klaus took everything from me. I'm doing the same to him.

Damon: But I had him, Stefan! Why did you screw it up?

Stefan shrugs

Stefan: Because I felt like it

Damon stabs him again

Damon: If I lose Lily, I swear to God, I will rip your fucking heart out.

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