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Abby and Bonnie standing on either side of the coffin, holding each other's hands on the coffin, and chanting a spell. After a minute, Bonnie pulls her hands from Abby's and looks at her.

Bonnie: You're not trying! We've been at this for over an hour.

Abby: The spirits are angry with me. For leaving you. Maybe they didn't want me to have my powers again.

Bonnie: I had all of those dreams for a reason. The spirits wanted me to find you because your my mom. It's not them, it's you. You won't open yourself up to it. You know Dad never talked about you? And neither did Grams. I had no memories of you. So you know what I use to pretend? That you were dead. It was easier to do that than to wonder why you never came back for me.

Abby's eyes tear up.

Abby: There is no way I can tell you how sorry I am for what I did.

Bonnie: Yes there is. You can help me.

Bonnie places her hands over the coffin again, reaching out for Abby's hands. Abby takes her hands and they begin to recite the spell again. The candles flare up, a deep rumbling can be heard, and after a moment the candles return to normal and everything's quiet. Bonnie goes to open the coffin. The lit rattles but it still won't open.

Bonnie: It almost worked. I have to call Damon, tell him that we're getting closer. I'll be right back.

Abby: Okay.

Bonnie leaves the cavern, while Abby stays behind. She hears a thud behind her and looks at the coffin. She walks over to it and reaches out to open it, but it opens by itself and all the candles flare up.

Esther sits up and looks around

Esther: Where is Lily Gilbert? Where's my Lily Flower?


Jeremy is sitting in the kitchen when he hears something upstairs, he walks up the stairs down the hallway and peeks inside Lily and Elena's room seeing Esther sitting down on the edge of Lily's bed running her fingers through Lily's hair

Esther: Thank you for caring for her

Jeremy nod his head and walks away, closing the door.

Esther: Time to wake up, darling

She leans down kissing her softly on the forehead. Lily opens her eyes and sits up looking around, her eyes lands on Esther, she gasps in shock.

She reaches her hand up placing it on her cheek, Esther smiles placing her hand over top of hers

Lily: Is it really you or are is this one of my dreams again?

Esther: No, darling. This is the real thing. I'm here.

Lily smiles throwing her arms around her neck hugging her tightly, Esther hugs her back inhaling her scent kissing her on the side of the head

Lily: I can't believe you're really here.

She looks down at her arms seeing the dark veins are gone, Esther lifts her hand to her lips.

Esther: All better now.

Lily smashes their lips together. Esther cups her face moving her lips passionately against hers

Lily: I love you so much

Esther: I love you too, Lily Flower.

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