Chapter 6 - The New Policy

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It was almost the Smiling Critters' turn to go in. They were bouncing in excitement as the line got shorter and shorter. Catnap was the most stirred up about it. In front of them was a trio, and in front of the trio was a child with her mother.

Meanwhile, a big commotion was going on between the employees.

“You mean not everyone can come in?!“ An employee panicked from the Authorized Personel only room, “You know how dissapointed the people will be!“

“I know, I know!“ another employee said, “But we have no other choice!“

“Explain everything again. So, everyone is going to have to get a 'partner' now?!“

“Yes, unfortunately. You know the manager is strict, and he will not leave any vacant spots during the meteor shower! Grabbing a 'partner' might be the only way to help! There's so much people, and this might fix the problem of them fighting over the spots.“

The other employee sighed, “They couldn't make up another solution?“

“I tried asking, but they're so stubborn.“

“Ugh,” the other employee rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed, “I swear, they make up one solution, and then they just stick with it!“

The other employee looked around them, as if someone were watching, “…I know, right? Anyway, what was your name again?“

“I don't really have a name, you can call me anything.“

“Oh, okay, can I just call you… Braids? Because you have braided hair.“

“Weird, but okay, I'll call you… Navy. Because you're wearing navy blue right now,” Braids sighed, “Well, I guess I have to announce that to everyone out there, huh?“


“Alright then, the meteor shower will begin real soon, better get prepared,”she then muttered something under her breath about how idiotic the idea was, “getting a partner?” seriously? You couldn't think of anything better?

Braids then walked out of the room to announce the somehow good… bad… news. However you'd like to call it.

After the child and mother had passed the guard, the trio was just getting scanned.

“Catnap, can you believe it?“ Dogday shook his arm, “Can you?“

“I don't know!“ Catnap exhilarated, “It feels like a dream…”

“I know!“ Dogday exclaimed, “Oh, no…” his mood changed in a flash.

“What's wrong?“

“I forgot my diary!“ Dogday looked back at the parking lot, “I'll just go get it, how dumb of me to leave it…”

Catnap watched as Dogday ran to the parking lot, That diary must mean a lot to him, he thought.

The trio passed, and then the Smiling Critters went next. They saw an employee walk up to the front, and so did everyone else. The people stared in curiosity. The employee was standing in the center of the floor. She cleared her throat and started to speak.

“Ahem, excuse me,” the employee tilted her head to the ground and looked to the audience, “I have an announcement to make.“

Everyone's eyes focused on Braids. She started to speak loudly,

“The Sunset Beach staff requests you to immediately get a partner, for some reason…” She looked up and frowned, “There aren't much vacant spots left for the meteor shower, and our manager wants to make sure that every single one is taken. Plus, it would be easier to know who participated now that they're in groups.“

Me and My Mister (CatNap X DogDay)Where stories live. Discover now