Chapter 20 - Dogday's Diary (Sunday, February 25)

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Dogday's Diary


Dear Diary,

It's 12:30 AM, so it's Sunday now!
I'm currently in the cabin with Catnap, and he had already fallen asleep. Or, maybe, he is just pretending.

No, I shouldn't say that.

He didn't talk to me on the way to the cabin, and in the cabin. He is acting strange:

Awhile ago, me and Catnap had a… well, fight. I guess, or a misunderstanding of some sort, but I'm sure he will tell me what was wrong with him.

The thing is, after the aquarium visit, he just IGNORED me the WHOLE DAY. He avoided me everywhere! The only time that we were able to talk again was that SeaShell restaurant thing!

And it went horrible…

Apparently, the letter Catnap sent me wasn't even written by HIM, and he said that he recieved a letter from ME. I didn't give him a letter for today!

Besides, if I did, Catnap would ignore it.

I could not find him the whole day after he walked away from me over at Sunshine Café! What is the matter with him? (Not in a mean way, I just really care about Catnap, but does he care for me?)

But, it makes a little bit of sense. I mean, I haven't sent a letter. Of course I didn't. The thing is, he doesn't have any evidence!
I guess it does not matter--even if he doesn't have any, because Catnap is my best friend! I can't stay mad at him! But he just can't tell me what's going on, as if he doesn't trust me.

I guess we just wait for tommorow. I hate chaos and discord whenever it happens, especially between us.
I hope Catnap feels better soon.
And I hope we will be in good terms again.

I need to talk to my friends again about this. If I don't solve everything with Catnap, everything will crumble.

I'll write tommorow again, sorry. I'm just not in the mood.

Whatever happens, please know that I still love him.

I don't think it will matter if he will love me back. I just love him.

This is getting cheesy, hahaha. Goodnight, now.

Sunday, February 25

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