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IT HAS BEEN A GOOD, long two weeks for both Yoichi and [Name], and now they walk through the BlueLock prison hallway ready for what's to come. Accompanied by the others, they all walk in together.

Bachira grins, "Woo! I'm getting pumped!" He turns to the younger Isagi. "How about you, [Name]-chan?"

"Well...I'm a little nervous, haha..." She says sheepishly, gripping onto her suitcase tighter.

"Don't be!" He tells her, "You'll be just fine."

"Phew. My blood is boiling." Chigiri informs with a determined smirk.

"Time for a new stage." Nagi says.

Yoichi gives his sister a small smile, "Ready?"

She stares at him before slowly cracking a confident grin. "Yeah. Let's do this."

'It all...starts here!!'

The automatic door opens and [Name] was automatically hit with the strong stench of boy. She grimaces a bit, but ultimately brushes it off due to her immense urge to look around. The room was large, yet small, yet also very spacious. It gave off a sci-fi headquarter movie vibe in her head. She inwardly nods in approval at that thought.

'Wow...this room is huge...So this is BlueLock, huh?'

The girl takes everything and everyone in, and among looking around, she sees another girl standing beside the wall.

'Oh, I'm not the only one then.' She smiles subconsciously, 'That's a relief.'

The other girl senses her stare and makes eye contact, her lips curling into a friendly smile as she waves.

[Name] gently waves back.

"Hello there, you diamonds in the rough. Did you all enjoy the holiday?"

The girl's eyes go wide. 'It's him...Jinpachi Ego!'

He responds with a wild smirk. "As you know, I now hold the power...to decide every member of Japan's U-20 team..." he directs his vision to the males of the U-20 team. "And since I figured that even the losers might have their uses...I've decided that the new U-20 will be formed the members I've gathered here."

"Tsk...Losers, are we?"

"Tough words," Aiku says, "Ego-chan."

"Theres 100 days left before the U-20 world cup starts." Ego places a hand under his chin, "If you guys were to take part as you are...let's see..." He smirks, "Victory...is simply impossible."

Yoichi stares hard at Ego at this point.

"This next stage will show you that, but putting it aside..."Strike the iron while it's hot." I came up with a method to allow all of you to evolve at a rapid pace." He lifts his index finger, "Here's a question. What was the cause of you guys getting stronger?"

"Awakening your ego."

"Becoming aware of your innate weapons."

"The reason that happened to each of you is without a doubt...This environment. This special and cruel enclosed space called 'BlueLock."

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