𝐏𝐗𝐆 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄. Friendship Scheme

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a/n — kys mentioned twice

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a/n — kys mentioned twice

"CODE RED, GUYS!" Aashi bursts into Yuki's room, where she and [Name] were playing jenga on her desk.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asks, picking up the jenga pieces.

"Aashi-chan?" Asks [Name].

Aashi paces back and forth, her expression grave. "Loki just called for emergency," she explains, her voice urgent. "We need to go now!" Yuki and [Name] exchange worried glances, their curiosity piqued by Aashi's urgency.

Without hesitation, they quickly gather their belongings and follow Aashi out of the room.

As they make their way to PXG's main soccer field, their hearts race with anticipation, wondering what could possibly be so urgent that Julian would call for an emergency meeting.

When they arrive, they're met with a surprising sight. Shidou Ryusei and Itoshi Rin, two of the most formidable players at Blue Lock, are locked in a heated confrontation, their voices raised as they argue passionately.

Yuki's eyes widen in shock, while [Name] and Aashi exchange worried glances. Whatever is happening, it's clear that tensions are running high, and they can't help but wonder what could have prompted such a dramatic showdown.

"Shut your mouth, you lukewarm antennae piece of shit! Kill yourself!" Rin hollers, throwing another punch, successfully hitting Shidou in the nose.

Shidou's head gets thrown back, but he snaps it towards Rin with an angry smirk. "Says Mr. Brother issues! Didn't Sae acknowledge Isagi instead of you? Must mean you're extra pathetic in his eyes, huh?!" He kicks Rin in the face.

"Maybe you should end yourself! Make sure to stream it in front of the world, okay?!"

[Name] sees everyone panicking slightly at the sight of blood.

"You f**king..."

"STOP!" Aashi yells.

They didn't stop.

Aashi and Yuki call out for her. "[Name]?!"

"You're going to get hurt!"

She immediately places her hands on both Rin and Shidou's fists to split them apart and hopefully stop the fight. They look at her for a minute before flinching at her stern glare.

"Both of you! Stop this! Fighting should be beneath you—you're not children!" She shouts out, but to deaf ears.

However, Shidou and Rin only saw her as a distraction.

[Name] winces as Shidou's and Rin's fists connect with her face, a sharp pain shooting through her nose. She falls back on the ground, holding her nose to alleviate the discomfort, while Aashi and Yuki rush to her side, their expressions filled with concern.

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