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THE NEXT DAY dawns with a crisp clarity in the air, carrying with it the promise of new beginnings. [Name] finds herself once again amidst the bustling energy of the training grounds, the echoes of yesterday's match still lingering in the air. Her mind swirls with recollections of the match yesterday — the goosebumps she gained from how intense it was.

As she goes about her duties, she can't shake off the sense of anticipation tingling in her veins, wondering what would Blue Lock would surprise her with next.

However, what she didn't know about was how her older brother felt after seeing her and Kaiser chatting it up.

Yoichi's inner turmoil stems from a deep concern for [Name]'s well-being. Seeing her talking with Kaiser stirs feelings of protectiveness and worry within him. He fears about her getting too close to someone like Kaiser, whose reputation precedes him.

Despite his trust in [Name]'s judgment, Yoichi can't shake off the unease that grips him, fueled by his desire to keep her safe from any potential harm.

It was just him being a concerned older brother.

Besides, the day [Name] falls for Kaiser is the day pigs fly.

As Yoichi finishes his kinetic vision exercise and wipes his face of the sweat with a towel, he notices Kaiser and [Name] engaged in conversation once again. What catches his attention is the softness on his sister's face as she interacts with the blonde boy. He observes her responsiveness to Kaiser's words, which ignites a sense of discomfort within him.

Wait no, he narrows his eyes. She's angry.

"Doc, I accidentally sprained my ankle—"

"Are you okay?" [Name] rushes to the blonde with her medical bag.

She then sees the smirk on his face.


Kaiser tousles her hair and chuckles wholeheartedly. "You're too uptight, doc! Relax."

"Uptight—?!" As she bickers with him, to his amusement. She forgets that...

She didn't move his hand this time.

Yoichi tightens his grip on his water bottle, feeling a surge of frustration and unease.

Now, they reside in the locker rooms after training. (Technically after the game but i forgot to write that—)

He drinks his water as he recalls the game. 'We won, and I got results...' Yoichi stares forward while slumping. 'But next time, I wanna score my own goal.'

"Huh—" He feels his hair getting gently tousled with his towel and looks up a bit hazy due to his tiredness.

He smiles at the sight of his little sister standing before him. "[N/n]..."

"Nii-chan," she grins happily. The younger Isagi resumes her ministrations and continues to dry her brother's face and hair of the sweat pooling them. She feels his relax under her familiar, warm touch.

He chuckles a little, "This brings back memories doesn't it? Every time I come home after a game, you always take care of me like this."

"Well, I don't want you to fall asleep all sweaty and gross," the girl says, "it's just a wake up call for you to shower and relax." She stops and removes the towel from his head.

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