Ch.2 whoops wrong house

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13 and a half long hours later, the two best friends finally arrive in Nice, France. Waiting for their luggage, they groggily make conversation.

"I slept like a baby for like 11 hours then stayed up for the rest of the 2 and a half hours" Angelica says, stretching.

"I barely slept like 5, I'm about to fall asleep right here on the ground" Angelica says, sighing with her head bent back.

"Maybe you shouldn't have kept reading all that freaky stuff"

"It was so good dude I couldn't not read!"

"Our luggage is right there!!" santina says excitedly walking to pick up all her luggage. Angelica goes to get hers, carefully grabbing one in particular and slowly placing it on the ground. Santina notices and asks

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Place it down ever so carefully like it was your child, almost as if its a luggage of all you sonny angels"

Silence between the two, Angelica looking to the side trying to act innocent.


"I can't leave my babies!" Angelica argues

"Bro I didn't even bring my bts albums with me why'd you bring all your little naked babies!" People start staring at them talking about naked babies.

"Quiet you make it sound so weird!" Angelica says, already making her way to the exit.

"Hey wait up!" santina says Angelica walks even faster, her luggage hits an uneven piece of flooring and her sonny angel luggage bursts open. Little Angels fly out all around her, Angelica screams

"NOOOOOOOO" frantically, she hurries and picks up all the little angels, Santina dying in the background.

"You hoe, help me!" Angelica yells at her while everyone around stares at the two and the babies on the ground. Thinking to herself "They're all staring but can't even bother to help..."

"Maybe because you look crazy picking up a bunch of little naked babies" an unknown raspy voice says next to Angelica. Taken aback, angelic looks to right, nothing, then to her left, now seeing a slim man kneeling down next to her picking up a bunch of sonny angels, helping her. His long curly hair bouncing as he moves to pick up more little angels throwing them in the luggage, Angelica watches as his biceps flex while moving, she notices the little scar on his cheek, tanned skin, cupid bow lips, his muscular back, his green ey-

"Hello?" The sonny angel baby savior snaps angelica out of her checking him out. He looks her in the eyes making it hard for angelica to not continue exploring his looks.

"Oh my, thanks for helping me pick up my little angels, sorry" angelica says quickly, looking away to pick up the last three.

"Why do you have so many of these little shits?" The Sonny angel savior not so sonny angel savior anymore says, once again surprising Angelica but this time with anger.

"Little shits? Excuse you but these are not little shits, they are Sonny angels!" she says, zipping her angel luggage back up. Glaring at him, he looks at her with a blank expression.

"They're so ugly I don't know why you have so many. '' He continues, making angelica start to find him annoying.

"They're not ugly why do you hate Sonny's angels so much? What'd these sweet little cuties ever do to you!?" she says getting angrier and walking closer to him without knowing it. Santina stands to the side after her hysterical laughing session, calling a chauffeur to come pick them up to take them to Eźe.

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