Harem Date 8: Izuku And Momo

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Izuku and the others waited for Momo to come out in the outfit that she was gonna wear for the date. A couple minutes later they heard somebody coming downstairs.

"So guys be honest how do I look?" Momo asked.

They all turned and Izuku blushed. She was wearing a white shirt with black buttons, a light brown jacket with black lace at the end of the sleeves, a red skirt with black lace trimming on the bottom, black tights and black strap-on shoes.

"You look great amazing Momo." answered Iida kindly.

"Yeah you look great." said Uraraka.

"Yeah your outfit looks great Yaomomo *ribbit*." Tsu said as she pointed her finger to her face.

You look stunning my dear." said Carmilla with a kind smile.

"You look absolutely radiant.' Zestial said.

"Yeah you look great." said Odette.

"Your outfit is cute." Clara said.

"You look amazing baby." said Asmodeous.

''Not bad." Fizarolli said as he gave a big thumbs-up.

"You look awesome!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Annabelle.

"You look so cute sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!" Molly squealed as she clapped and jumped up and down.

"You really do!!!!!!!!!!" squealed Nifty.

"I agree." Kendo said.

"I agree." said Shoda.

"Me three." Rin said.

"Me four." said Awase.

"Me five." Mirio said.

"You look awesome mommy/mom!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Eri and Kota.

"You look beautiful my beautiful Creati." Izuku said as he approached her and linked arms with her.

"Thanks Izu." said Momo as she smiled up at him.

Izuku smiled back at her and then they waved goodbye to the others as they went out the door.

As they were walking Momo looked up at him.

"So Izu where are we going?" she asked.

"Well I know you're into the arts so I decided to take you to a place I discovered a few days ago that I know that you will absolutely love." answered Izuku.

Momo smiled. Knowing him whatever he planned was gonna be fun.

A couple minutes later they finally arrived at the place for their date. When Momo saw what it is she gasped excitedly and smiled.

"An art museum?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah I know how much you love going to places like this and I discovered this place a few days ago I knew how much you'd love it so I decided that we should go here." said Izuku.

Momo smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks Izu." she said.

Izuku chuckled and hugged her back.

"You're welcome my beautiful Creati." said Izuku.

After they released they went inside the art museum and started looking around. They saw various exhibits that showcased many thing done be various  different artists such as paintings and sculptures. They even learned some things about them and the artists about them.

When Izuku saw the excited look on Momo's face he couldn't help but smile. He loved it when she got all excited it was very adorable. That was another reason why he brought her here. To see the adorable look on her face she gets when she gets very excited.

About an hour later they walked out of the art museum while holding hands.

"Thanks for the date Izu I had an amazing time." Momo said.

"You're welcome my beautiful Creati I knew that you would love it and besides I would do anything to see that adorable excited look on your face cause I love you." said Izuku.

"I love you too." Momo said.

They both kissed each other on the lips and walked back to UA University. When they got back everyone asked how the date went to which they said that they had a very great time.

And then Izuku sat down on a chair in the common room waiting for the next member of his harem to be taken out on their next date.

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