A Warm Welcome Back

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After finally defeating and killing the seven fakes and the ten villains the heroes and anti-heroes were walking back to UA University. As they were walking back they noticed a news report being given that told and praised them for what they did and how they defeated their enemies. All of the citizens who were given the message that it was safe to come out clapped and cheered for the heroes and anti-heroes. They were rightfully giving the group all kinds of praise and feeling very relived that they were all ok cause even though that they all knew that they were gonna win some were very worried that they were gonna get hurt. This touched their hearts immensely as it showed how much the citizens cared for them and how they positively impacted their lives and making that impact on their lives is what they mostly wanted.

A couple minutes later (and cleaning all the blood off of their hands) they all arrived back at UA University they were all walked in to see all of the students, UA staff that stayed behind, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Touya, Eri and Kota clapping and cheering for them.

"Hi everybody." they said in unison as they all waved to them.

"We heard everything that happened through the news report and we couldn't be any more proud of all of you." said Recovery Girl proudly.

"Thanks grandma." Izuku said.

"Well I for one am fucking relived those dumbasses are finally gone." said Gran Torino in a relived tone.

"Me too." Fuyumi said as she was holding Eri in her arms.

"I think we all are sis." said Natsuo.

"I for one sure as hell am!!!!!!!!!!" Touya exclaimed as he was holding Kota in his arms.

"Yeah don't worry guys." said Blitz.

"Those fakes won't be bothering any of us anytime soon." Husk said with a smirk.

"Or ever fucking again." said Angel Dust with a smirk.

"That's good." Fuyumi, Natsuo and Touya sighed in relif.

Then Fuyumi and Touya put Eri and Kota down as the two kids ran to the group.

"Mommies/moms daddy/dad grandpas aunties uncles Katie Victoria Mistoffelees Jemima Pouncival are the meanies really gone?" asked Eri and Kota.

"Yes Eri and Kota the meanies are gone forever." the group answered as Izuku and Octavia picked them up.

"Yay!!!!!!!!!!" cheered Eri and Kota as they pumped their fists into the air making everyone smile.

Principal Nezu smiled as he approached the group.

"Well done all of you for not only defeating them but also willing to go out of your way to keep this school and all of Musutafu safe from their evil before they brought about disaster to us all and The Demon Guardian Angels including my dear nephew I knew that hiring all of you to protect my school was a great idea." he said proudly.

"Thank you Nezu/Principal Nezu." the group said in unison as they smiled and each gave a proud nod.

Then The Demon Guardian Angels, the five anthro cats, Baxter, Crymni, Mimzy, Tex, Bee, Lucifer, Carmilla, Zestial, Odette, Clara, Aizawa, Mrs. Joke, Present Mic, Midnight, Vlad King, Endeavor, Blizzard, Snipe and Thirteen turned to Izuku's true childhood friends, Shinso, Class 1-B, The Big Three and Mei with proud smiles.

"As for all of you well done out their we knew that you all has potential to be great heroes and we were right and we can all confidently say that when you graduate you're gonna be some of the greatest heroes the world has ever seen." said The Demon Guardian Angels, the five anthro cats, Baxter, Crymni, Mimzy, Tex, Bee, Lucifer, Carmilla, Zestial, Odette and Clara proudly in unison.

"That is exactly what were thinking and that is why we accepted you all into our school we knew that you all had not only the strength and skills to be heroes but the hearts of heroes as well and we know that you will be great heroes." Aizawa, Mrs. Joke, Present Mic, Midnight, Vlad King, Endeavor, Blizzard, Snipe and Thirteen said proudly in unison.

Knowing that they all belived in them made the young heroes smile and were l filled with even more confidence then before.

"Thank you." they said in unison.

They all smiled back at the young heroes. Then everyone went to go do various things feeling very happy that the seven fakes and the ten villains were now dead and that everyone was now safe from them and their evil forever.

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