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Okay I've lied, it took me like 10 minutes or so just to fix all the chapters of Alastors name:)
(But the problem is my phone randomly automatically "corrects" it soo I'm suffering more then u guys)




A week has almost passed, and Alastor hasn't apologized to Lucifer for what he's said.
Which resulted in Lucifer ignoring him. Anytime he'd walk in the kitchen Lucifer would instantly Finnish cooking for the others, and leave. Not saying a word, not even looking at the radio demon once.

Alastor walked in his room, his deer ears down. He sighs in frustration seeing how his shadow kept making shapes of him needing to apologize to Lucifer.
Unlike him, and his shadow. He was still smiling like always while his shadow wasn't, if anything it looked angry but mostly sad. Which resulted in how Alastor really felt.

"I'm not going to apologize to him." Alastor harshly said, "He deserved it. It's about time he finnaly hears the truth. It'll finnaly help him realize that bitch, isn't coming back."

Alastors Shadow crossed his arms shaking his head in disapproval. Whispering I'm Alastors ear since Alastor was the only one that could tell what his shadow was saying.

"Will it help him? Really? Because it seems that this is helping us more then it is to him."

Alastor didn't answer.
Seeing his shadow turning back to normal. He stayed in his room for a while longer he was about to broadcast but then stopped  not feeling like it in the end. His mind just wouldn't shut up about the short king.
Now that he thought about it he did see lucifer seeming to be crying after he ended the call with Charlie and left his room. For some reason that made Alastors heart hurt, he hated this feeling again.

First he hated the king and wanted to mock him, and break him but now he couldn't bare to see him look so sad and hurt anymore especially when he was the reason for this.
And yet when he saw other sinners, or overlords he'd torture for the past years he hasn't felt any sense of remorse none of them but now he did for the fallen Angel.

It was getting late, everyone was probably in their rooms already by now. Alastor kept laying their looking up at the ceiling hearing his clock ticking every second. Slowly driving him even more insane. Alaster looked at his counter that was beside his bed seeing the rubber duck that Lucifer made for him.

"For fucks sake." Alastor mumbled to himself, forcing  himself to get up grabbing his radio cane as he walked out his room. Walking down the halls of the hotel heading over to Lucifers room.


Lucifer was in his room making rubber ducks as usual not wanting to sleep again.
His hair was messy and this time he had darker eye bags under his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about what Alastor said to him.

He hated when anyone would say somthing about his wife last time someone said something about her to him he killed them instantly, but with Alastor, it was different.
The good thing is Lucifer was able to snap back. mostly because Alastor was protected by his daughter Charlie, since he did promise to not kill Alastor after all.

Lucifer frowns seeing the duck he made looked like Lillith.
He missed her alot. He's known her since the beginning of when she was created by his father, Literally.

He's thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone knock on his door. He sighs in frustration getting up as he opened his door looking up too see the radio demon.

Lucifer instantly closed the door before opening it again.

"Llo-" Alastor was caught of again as Lucifer slammed the door at him. Before he opened it once again.
"Can I speak now?" Alastor asked not wanting Lucifer to keep slamming the door at him again.

"What do you want?" Lucifer asked looking the demon with a cold look which made Alastor feel hurt but he didn't show it.

"I... Want to apologize, For my behavior. It was unnecessary for me to say such things. I shouldn't have said this in the first place. It wasn't right. So I'm sorry." Alaster apologized, Lucifer looked at him surprised not expecting an apology from Alastor.

"I don't forgive you." Lucifer said which cause Alastors ears to flop down which for some reason Lucifer found cute but he had to push those feelings away. He was supposed to stay angry at the sinner  not feel bad.

"Lucifer, I said I'm sorry." Alastor repeated his grip on his cane tightening.

"Yeah, and I don't forgive you." Lucifer answered looking at him sternly.

Alastor takes a deep breath trying to calm himself and not say somthing foolish again.
He's trying his best but it was getting harder for him to stay calm.

"...Is their something I could do to make it up too you?" Alastor asked knowing he might regret asking such questions. But for Luicfer he thought for a second.

"Hm, well..."


Short because I did this during school somehow without getting caught. so be grateful 😭🤌🏻
(I really don't know what  doing but I enjoyed making some references in this chapter I hope you can tell me where they were from;] )

I love you guyss:)

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