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So uh this chapter was not planned none of it was so yeah...idk where I'm going with this.
I promise I'm trying to get better in spelling but I'm doing this at school right now(trying to not get caught)

Guys I have so much Hazbin hotel memes saved on my phone😭

Everyone was eating, enjoying their meal that Lucifer made for them. Well, everyone was except, Lucifer himself, he was just staring at his plate lost in thought.
His pointer finger going up and down, tapping the table catching everyones attention.
"Your majesty?" Husk said trying to get his attention but it seemed Lucifer didn't even notice when they'd called his name.

"Shortie, hey shortie? Shortie!" Angel yelled snapping his fingers to get Lucifer.


"We're taking to ya!"

"Oh, sorry." Lucifer mumbled while still looking at his untouched food.

The radio demon couldn't help but to stare at him. Still feeling worried, and wanting to know what exactly was going on with Lucifer this time.

Alastor nudged Lucifer "You should eat." He instructed while the others had already finnished their food a while ago. Angel, and Husk were flirting with eachother like normal, but also keeping track of Niffty who kept stabbing bugs, laughing like a maniac like always.

"I'm not hungry."

"You should still eat a little bit at least." Alastor said, before he continues, "just a little... Please?"

Before Lucifer could protest, he paused seeing how Alastor was being nice, and gentle about it this. Even saying please.
"Woah~ someone's getting better at saying please.~" Lucifer teased earning an annoyed look from the deer, making Lucifer smile.

"All right, all right, I'll eat." Lucifer spoke giving up.
He began to eat, taking small bites of his burger. Alastor hums to himself, deligh- ted that Lucifer listened.


Lucifer walked around the halls of the hotel.
Trying to clear his mind off of things, but being alone wasn't a good idea. He turned around quickly feeling as if someone was their but no one was.

'It's all in your head. Everything is just you, and your stupid head, getting in the way again.' Lucifer reminded himself that everything was just fake. Nothing to keep being worried about. For now.

'They are just little things in your head because of your depression.'

"I really need to get some medicine for this shit." Lucifer sighs, continuing to wonder around. At the end of the hall was a really big open space area with just little furniture.
Lucifer smiled, starting to remember some areas again.

'This could be a great area for a small library.' He thought to himself looking at an empty shelf.
'But I'll need to ask Alastor..' Lucifer groans hating the fact he needed to ask permission just to do somthint in this hotel. When it used to be his.
Well, still is, but in the maintenance of Charlie, along with Alastor ofcourse.

Lucifer kept mumbling under his breath.
Talking about how he'd wish he could just do it himself.

He walked around, trying to find Alastor just to get permission. Finnaly spotting the red headed deer he walked over to him.

"Hey, Alastor?"


"I was wondering if you knew the 3rd floor area where the big open space is? Well, It's pretty much all plain. So... I was wondering, if I could possibly put a small library there?" Lucifer proposed nervously. Not knowing what Alastor would say about this.

"Well," Alastor tapped his finger on his cane thinking for a second. "I guess it's not a bad idea, not like that space is being used." Alastor points out, agreeing to it. "Sure, but remember small." He reminds.
Lucifer nods before walking off to that direction again, very excited, As he arrived, he snapped his fingers making a few book shelves to appear, in addition to some extra furniture around.
While he was doing that he felt someone behind him again. Lucifer felt uncomfortable once again, he didn't look what was behind him knowing it's just his imagination playing tricks on him like usual.

Lucifer pov:

I grabbed a random book, making sure they were sorted out which they were. Smiling in approval, I was about to leave, when I saw a shadow in front of me. Making me jump back in surprise

'Is that Alastors shadow?


At least his has the actual form of Alastor, this one's different.'

Before I could get a better view, I fell to the ground feeling as if the air was burning my lungs.
I gasped trying to ignore the pain, to try to calm myself down, but it just kept getting worse. Now laying on the ground, I hugged myself tight.
My vision going blurry, everything growing dark, with the addition of people whispering stupid shit. I couldn't really tell what exactly without my ears felling as if they were going to explode. Which would cause me to make me accidentally hurt myself.

'I hate this. I want it to stop.'

This has happened before. Everytime it happens, I just let it happen. Waiting for it to be over. Sometimes it takes longer, or just a few minutes. I hope it's a few minutes.


Alastor was walking around, deciding to go check up on Lucifer, and his library project ofcourse.
Wanting to make sure the King didn't go overbored like how he did with his duck creations.

Alastor paused hearing someone whimpering in pain. The demon walked towards the sound, just to be met with Lucifer, on the ground sobbing, covering his ears as if his life depended on it.


Lucifer didn't seem to have heard him. To much in pain to be able to look at Alastor. Alastors ears plopped down seeing Lucifer like this. He walked over to him, sitting down beside Lucifer who was lying on the ground.
He gently placed his hand on Lucifer, runnimg his fingers through the small males hair trying to soothe him. Which seemed to help because his breathing was starting to calm down.

Alastor continued to pet the other males head, as lucifer finnaly calmed down.

"Hey are you okay-" Alastor was caught off by Lucifer, who suddenly hugged him tightly. Making them both tumble on the ground.
Lucifer now laying on top of Alastor, Not letting go. Alastor on the other hand was a blushing mess. His heart beat increasing feeling Lucifer tightening his grip on.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" Lucifer asked, his voice muffled due to him having his head buried in Alastors chest.

"Just for a while. I don't want Angel to walk on and think of somthing that's not true."

Lucifer laughed at that statement making Alastor smile happy to see him feeling better. "Haha, he's so dirty minded." Lucifer playfully said before he frowns now looking over at Alastor still hugging him close as he spoke.
"I'm sorry." He said

Alastor raised a brow,, clearly confused "What for?"

"Always making you end up in these types of situations. I know specifically you're the type to hate being touched, even in the slightest.." Lucifer timidly admitted

"True, but do you see me pushing you away?"

Lucifer shook his head no

"Then nothing to worry about!~ as long as you don't keep making it sudden, or infront of people. Ha, Especially Angel Dust." He shrugs, clarifying things.

Lucifer nods staying quiet.

They both stayed quiet enjoying eachothers presence

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