chapter 6

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After an hour, Pete returned to the room and checked Way's temperature. He still had a fever, so he decided to call the doctor.

"What happened, doctor?"

"You need to focus on your brother. He hasn't been getting proper sleep and has been skipping meals."

"He's not my brother," Pete murmured.

"These are the medicines he needs to take twice a day."

"Okay, doctor."

He took care of Way all night.

In the morning, Way opened his eyes and saw Pete by his side, half asleep on the floor and half on the bed. He remembered how Pete had taken care of him all night.

"I'm feeling better now," Way said.

"Are you okay?" Pete asked, opening his eyes.

"Yes, senior, I'm good," Way replied, sitting up properly.

"Go and take a shower; it's time for your medicine. I'm going to make some food."

"I'm okay, senior. I will have it at home, and I don't have clothes either."

"I have clothes Don't make excuses. See, doctor told me that you don't eat properly. So, go, I will make it."

"But, senior..." Way started to say, but Pete put his finger on his lips and said, "Just do what I said."

He went to the bathroom to take a bath, trying to remember what happened after he got a fever because he didn't remember clearly. Suddenly, he remembered the kiss. Did I really kiss senior? Of course not, his reaction is normal, it's like nothing happened between us. But why does it feel so real?

After the bath:

"Senior, can I ask something?"

"Yes, why not?" Pete said.

"Last night, did..."

"No, no, nothing happened between us. We didn't kiss."

"But I didn't say anything, senior..." He wanted to ask if he behaved badly with him last night.

"Ok, okay...ask what you want?"

"Nothing, forget it." Why did he say "aaaah"? We really kissed? Oh no, Way thinks.

After some time, someone knocked on the door.

"Wait, I'm coming...." Pete said.

He went to open the door and found his ex, Kenta. He hugged him.

"Why are you not replying to my texts...?"

"We are already over, why did you come here?"

"Please forgive me. Now I know that I only love you. My current boyfriend doesn't treat me well."

"I don't love you anymore..."

"Why, Pete? Everyone knows how much you love me. Please don't lie. You haven't dated anyone after our break-up. I know you still love me and are waiting for me..."

"Who says I'm not in a relationship?"


"Yes, I'm committed."

"So, where is your boyfriend?"

"He is not free like you."

"Just show me a picture of your boyfriend."

"Why are you interested in my life?"

"Because you are my ex, and I know you're angry with me, but please forgive me."

"Okay, I forgive you. Now go."

"That means you still love me."

"No, are you mad? I told you I'm committed. I'm in a relationship already, now go."


Then Way came out.

"Senior, who is he?" Way asked.

"Look, he is my boyfriend. We are dating," Pete said while holding Way's hand and giving a smile.

"What boyfriend?" Way was shocked after hearing this.

"Yes, babe, no need to hide our relationship from him."

"Aa aau, senior, what's wrong with you?" Way hesitated and said.

"I told you not to say 'senior'; you can call me babe," Pete faked a smile and said.

"But, senior...."

"Shuuuu, my friend wants to meet you."

"He is your boyfriend? I don't think so." Way laughed.

"As you wish, but yeah, we spent all night together."

"He is not your boyfriend, okay? You only love me," he threatened him.

"Go from here, otherwise, I will call your boyfriend."

"He is mine, whatever your name is, okay," Kenta said and left.

After he left:

"What was that?" Way asked.

"Sorry, sorry, I used you without your permission."

"Who was he?"

"He was my ex. We broke up a year ago. He cheated on me, and now he wants us to get back together."

"Your ex?" Way asked.

"Are you jealous?"

"Oh, why would I get jealous? Don't try to divert the topic."

"I know he loves his current boyfriend, and he just needs my money because his boyfriend is ill. He told me to get back together  but I know his intentions."

"So, you said I'm your boyfriend."

"He thinks I'm single because I still love him, but it's not true, that's why."

"Ok, I understood." Way noted.

"Thank you for understanding."

"You still love him, right?"

"What nonsense."

"In reality, you are not in a relationship. If he still loves you, you must go back with him."

"I don't love Chesters, and why are you interested in my relationship?"

"I just asked. I wonder you were in a relationship, but hats off to your ex how he tolerates are a very angry man."

"Set up if you don't know the reason, and who gave you permission to say these things to your school president."

"Babe, why are you angry?" Angry bird got angry again, Way thinks.

"Stop calling me babe."

" U told me to call you babe, don't you remember?" He liked to tease him, that's why he said it again.

"Really? So, what's your plan for today? Can we skip class?" Pete understood that he teased him, so he held his hand, pulled him close, and said.

"What, what are you doing?"

"We love each other, right? So, I just asked you for something."

"What something?" He hesitated.

"Whatever every couple does."

"Senior, don't say these things, I was kidding."
Way removed his hand from Pete and said.

"It's time for class." He adjusted himself and said.

- To be continued

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