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In the silence of our sheltered lives,

We bury our heads in the sand,

Blinded by the glare of our own comforts,

Shielding ourselves from the harsh realities.

In far-off lands, where the drumbeats of war echo,

Innocent souls are caught in the crossfire,

Their cries drowned out by the roar of violence,

Yet we remain deaf to their suffering.

In the desolate plains where hunger reigns,

Children with hollow eyes search for scraps,

Their emaciated frames a stark testament,

To the cruelty of a world indifferent to their plight.

And in the quiet chambers where death lurks,

Countless lives slip away unnoticed,

Their passing mourned only by the cold embrace,

Of an uncaring world consumed by its own apathy.

For we have become numb to the pain,

Blinded by our own privilege and comfort,

Turning a blind eye to the suffering,

Until it knocks on our own door.

But let us not be content in our ignorance,

Let us lift the veil and confront the truth,

For only in acknowledging the darkness,

Can we hope to bring light to the world.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now