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Two weeks have passed and I'm as good as new. Same for Emily. Well, her face is a little scared but she still looks beautiful nonetheless. I smile as I make my way out of my room and towards the backdoor when my phone suddenly rings. 
"Black residence?" I say.
"Uh, yeah, hi, I- uh wanted to ask if you're free right now?" I hear Paul ask, making me furrow my brows.
"What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs.
"Nothing. Can I just-"
"Yeah, of course" I say, wanting to say more but he has already hung up the phone. My face scrunches in confusion. I start worrying if everything's okay, pacing around the livingroom nervously. I immediately get up and sprint over towards the door, yanking it open when I hear the engine of his car. He steps out of his car and my eyes widen. He has a black eye and bruised knuckles, leaving me not much space for imagination of what happened. 
"What happened to you?" I ask him as he pulls me in for a hug, resting his head in my neck and holding me with his hands on my hips softly. He humms contently before nustling even more into my neck. "Hello?" I ask again, him groaning annoyedly. 
"Can we please just stay like this for a second? I really need it" he states but I pull him off of me by his shoulders.
I stare into his eyes, noticing the anger behind them. "What happened, Paul?" 
He scoffs as he shakes his head. I grab his chin with my hand softly, turning his head to look at me again. "What. Happend. Paul" I say again, demanding an answer from him. He sighs.
"Had a fight" he says quietly, making me chuckle. 
"Yeah, I can see that. But what happened?"
He looks at me with annoyed eyes before they suddenly grow soft and kind of embarassed.
"Had a fight with James" he states and I groan. I had heard of what he was saying about me behind my back about Jared and Paul. Complete bullshit obviously but whatever. "He was talking shit about you and was talking about how you are in bed and all that stuff and I just-" he starts but gets angry again.
"You just couldn't take it anymore?" I ask him and he nods softly. 
I grab his hand. "Come on" I say as I lead him towards the cabin and push him inside, closing the door behind us. I sit him down on the sofa before getting the first-aid-kit from the bathroom and kneeling infront of him. 

I start disinfecting his wounds, noticing how bad they are. He must've given James a great beating by the looks of them. 
"Are you mad at me?" he asks, his eyes piercing through my skin. Obviously I have noticed his eyes on me and how he was staring. Clearly he was starting to feel the wolf in him trying to surface. Jared had told me how it had affected him and apperently you're able to feel a fracture of the imprint even shortly before you shift. I sigh at what's going to happen and how he's looking at me.
"No, of course not. But I don't need to give you the lecture that you don't need to fight him for me, right?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"No one should be allowed to talk about someone that way" he states, making me chuckle at how cute he's being at the moment.
"That's true but that doesn't mean he needs a beating" I say, looking at him with a grin. He stares at me dumbfounded before a smile cracks on his face. I bite my lip, trying to contain my smile as I see his before focusing back on his hands again. 
"He definitely needed one" he says again, causing me to look at him with a serious expression.
"No fights" I state.
"What if he says something again? Am I just supposed to listen?" he asks and I frown. Of course not but punching him isn't right either.
"Just walk past him" I say.
"No way" Paul says a little louder, making me look at him surprised. I had never seen him this angry before, at least not with me. His eyes widen a little as he notices the tone he had just spoken with me to. He harshly pulls his hands out of my grip, making me look at him startled as he places his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. 
"Are you okay?" I ask him softly.
He shakes his head. "Not really" he says, making me frown as I move to sit on his side.
"You want to talk about it?" I ask as he drops his head and brushes a hand through his hair, leaving it messy and out of place. 
"I- no, I mean- yes, I-" He groans in frustration. I grab his hands with mine and search for his eyes. He stares at me, his lips parted. 
"Just talk, Paul. Okay? We have the whole afternoon. Jake's gone and so is my dad. No one's going to be back anytime so you can relax, alright?" I ask, waiting for him to show me any sign that he understood. He slowly nods, his eyes softening before he looks at his hands intervened with mine. I hear his heartbeat picking up and the pheromones starting to kick in. It has gotten a lot worse throughout the past weeks, ever since he's starting to get angry. 
"I just," he starts and sighs. "I'm so angry the past few weeks and I can't control it. I didn't even realize I punched James before Jared pulled me off of him. I didn't even mean to, Aria, I-" he says, starting to get frustrated again. Wow, this is going to be a long ride.
I give his hands a gentle squeeze. "It's okay. Everyone has these rough paches. Just talk to me and we'll figure it out, okay?" I say and he nods.
"Okay" he says with a soft chuckle, smiling at me. 
I smile right back at him before I smell his mood shift. His heart beat picks up even more as he glances at my lips once with hungry eyes before staring at me again. I try to take a breath but I can't. I'm way too focused on what Paul's going to do next. I know, I'm not going to make the first move. That would be against Sam's order. Though since Paul has started to leash out more and more I was allowed back in his space to keep him from shifting infront of everyone and keep the situation under control. 
My whole body seems to stop doing anything as we stare at eachother, the tension in the air clearly building up. Before I'm able to make one straight thought about what to do next, he has already smashed his lips onto mine. They're warm and soft against mine as they start moving. Unwillingly, my body iches even closer to his and he puts his hands onto my hips. They leave tingles all over my body as everything else fades out. Everything else doesn't matter. He grabs me by my hips harshly, pulling me into his lap at the same time as he moves backwards a little, as if I'm light as a feather. I let my knees fall on either side of his body, straddling his hips. My arms instantly move behind his neck as I pull him closer and deepen the kiss. He puts his hands to either side of my face, tilting my head slightly and granting him access with his tounge. Mine and his start moving in sync, same for our bodies. Slowly, I start rocking back and forth, one hand in his hair and the other arm laying around his neck still. A nervous tension starts building between my legs as I feel him under me. The slow rocking back and forward from me makes it grow even more. I whimper a little as one of his hands travels from my hips to my ass, holding it firmly. 
Even if my body fights for me to keep kissing the boy of my dreams, I reluctantly force myself to slow the kisses down before I pull away. I rest my forehead against his, both of us panting. My eyes are closed, me trying to form a single clear thought. 
"Too early?" he jokes, making me chuckle as I pull my head back to look at him. He grins at me proudly before leaning back confortably. 
"I can't" I mutter to myself. I shouldn't. He still hasn't shifted and we need to wait for the imprint before something happens.
"What do you mean?" he asks as I hastly get off of him. He tries to grab me by my hand but I rush over to the door and open it. 
"You need to go" I say, looking at him with a guilty look. Hurt washes over his face, making me want to punch myself over and over again.
"What?" he asks in a hurt tone.
I swallow hard. I can't do this now. As much as I want to. He needs to focus on other things right now, not me.
"You need to leave, Paul"
He moves closer. "Alia, I'm sorry if I've upset you. I didn't mean to" he says, trying to grab my hands but I pull them away and brush one through my hair as I stare to the ground. I can't do this and look into his eyes. "Alia, please, don't do this"
"Paul, just go" I state as he stares at me in disbelief.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asks, grabbing my hands again but I pull them away much harder now. 
"Can you just leave now!" I say loudly, getting frustrated. 
"Whatever" he says angrily before pushing past me, our shoulders coming into contacts as he shoves his way out. I keep my eyes closed as I hear him turn his car on, his wheels spinning as he races out of our driveway. 

What did I just fucking do?

Long time no see, loves. 

New update. I'm not very motivated to write at the moment, so I'm just publishing some old stuff and drafts at the moment. Hopefully it'll get better soon. 

Also, I have a few other stories started, containing one about Embry and one about Jared. Should we maybe make something out of them or just leave them collecting dust in my drafts? 

Love, X

Until Death- Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now