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"There you are" I hear Jared say, making me roll my eyes and huff. "I heard you and Paul had sex" 
"Really?" I ask him through the mind-link, hearing him chuckle. I shake out my fur before beginning my patrol. I'm the last one to join today, since the other two weren't at school and with Sam. Paul had to go home though, which is why he isn't here right now. 
I hope my work will give me a good enough grade to pass.
"They are going to let you pass" Sam's voice rings through my head.
"Not so sure about that" Jared says. Clearly that guy wishes to piss me off brutally today.
"Shut up, Jared" I say, trying to focus back onto my patrol. 
"Well, think about it. If you get stuck, you'll get another year of me and your new pookie Paul" he says in a joking voice, making me huff angrily. 
"Jared" I say lowly and angrily in a warning tone causing him to laugh. 
"Jared" Sam says warningly. Jared immediately shuts up.

We're patrolling for about two hours now in silence until a stinging stench fills my nostrils. I make a grimmace at the ugly smell of sweet, rotten meat. 
I howl once, informing my pack brothers that there is a leech near.
"How long ago?" Sam asks me as I start picking up the tracks and run after the leech.
"About half a minute" I say, the other two picking up speed too and running towards me. 
I am running and running until I finally see orange hair in the distance. She turns around, her red eyes piercing my soul and a grin forming on her face. I growl lowly, immediately running towards her and trying to get to her. I snap for her throat but she swiftly moves around me. I turn around quickly, going for her again. I almost manage to scrape her when she catches my mouth with her hands, holding it open with her hands before throwing me to the side. I land against a tree harshly, causing me to wince. Sam and Jared arrive not much later and start going after the leech who is now running again. 
"Go back to Emily's" Sam orders me and I slowly get up. I wince again as I try to stand onto my left forder paw but it hurts like hell. A rustle is heard behind me in the bushes and Paul steps forward. We haven't seen eachother's wolves yet and the sight of his makes me feel all sorts of things. His wolf is a beautiful silver colour with all kinds of colour over him. 
"You okay?" he asks me in a worried tone.
I nod. "Yeah. Go. Sam needs you" I say. He hesitates for a moment before running after Sam and Jared while I make my way back to Emily's. 

"What happened to you?" Emily asks me as I hobble inside. She helps me over to one of the chairs and immediately rushes away to get some ice for me.
"Found a leech on our territory. I got to her first" I state and she nods, handing me the pack of ice. I gladly accept it and put it onto my swollen and blue foot. It's for sure broken but it's gonna heal. 
"Your foot's broken" Emily states as the boys walk inside. Paul's the first one to jogg inside, his eyes widening at the sight of my foot.
"Are you okay?" he asks me, pulling out a chair to my right and sitting down, starting to examine my foot. 
"That looks painful" Jared states, making me roll my eyes. 
"No shit sherlock" I mutter.
"Maybe you should get it checked out" Emily suggests but I shake my head, wincing as Paul puts a hand onto it. I glare at him.
"It's fine" I say through gritted teeth, pulling my foot away from him. 
"She's right. Maybe you should show it to Sue?" Sam suggests, making me groan. 
"Alia, it's for the better" Emily says.
I surrender. "Fine" I say, getting up, wincing once again when the blood flows down into my foot. Paul is quick on his feet to support me, holding me steady as I limp over to the door.
"I'll take her there" Paul says, nodding at Sam before he swipes me into his arms. I squeek, not having expected it. 
"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him, hearing Jared chuckle inside the house. He doesn't say anything as he carries me to the truck outside. I didn't even realize that he had gotten the keys to Emily's pick up before he opens the door and sets me inside. 
"I'm not a child, you know?" I ask him.
He chuckles, shaking his head slightly with a smile as he closes the door. He walks around the car and gets inside, starting the car. "I am well aware, Al" he says, making me furrow my brows.
"Al?" I ask him amusedly.
He grins at me as he backs out of the driveway. "Too early?"
I smile. "Nah, I like it"
We smile at eachother for a second before he returns his gaze onto the road. 

Until Death- Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now