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When I came back, there was a whole buffet in front of us. The entire table was filled with silver platters of food, gourmet style. The twins were already eating, while Kieran was staring at them, disgusted.

"How much food did you ask for?"I sat down in my seat, between Kieran and Wilson.

"Don't worry, you don't have to eat that much. Besides, I'm sure they ate about ½ of the table already. Honestly, they're pigs. Don't they have any table manners?" Kieran shook his head, miming vomiting.

I didn't know what any of the plates were.

"Don't know what to eat?" Wilson asked. "I'd recommend chicken scampi pasta or the chicken stir fry." He pointed to the two dishes.

I ended up choosing the chicken stir fry. The chicken tasted really good, it had some sort of flavor to it.

Even though my taste buds were delighted, my stomach was not. But at least, this time I was able to control my reaction.

After the usual show, I finished the rest of my homework including the endless number of flashcards, in which I got a lot of paper cuts.

I ended up starting my biology project. First, I did the worksheets with it. Then, I constructed the cell.

I used the sturdy paper to make the frame as a rectangular prism to look inside the cell. I placed the blocks inside, taping it to the side of the paper, so it wouldn't move.

I used the construction and foam paper to make the organelles.

While I was making the organelles, Elijah and Romero burst into the room. I put down the stuff while they walked towards me stopping.

"Uh," Romero started. "Thanks for the thing back there."

"But it was just a one time thing," Elijah said, eyes hardening, Romero nodding in agreement. "That apology was true. Thanks for taking the blame. But it doesn't change anything. We still hate you."

They left, slamming the door.

Ah, how life was. It's a good thing I didn't care. And it's a good thing I didn't let my heart out of its walls.

But at least, they didn't ruin my project. That was the only thing I was going to ask for.

I finished halfway of my project, before getting ready for bed.

It wouldn't matter if we were in a hotel or not. I would never sleep. I would never succumb to the darkness, to everything that wanted control of me. I could never do that. Not for me, but for my heart, who didn't deserve to be ripped into pieces, who didn't deserve to be ruined like me.

* * *

It was Tuesday. Nothing much happened over the weekend. I finished my project though. Good thing too, it was due today.

Kieran was nice enough to drop me to school.

Right now, I was with Irene in English. She was showing me her animal cell. She was complaining about how the organelles she made didn't stick onto the foam.

"That's why I didn't use foam. It's hard for anything to stick to it even if you're using crazy glue."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whined. "It would've been so much easier then."

I just raised an eyebrow before doing the classwork, which was another poem. We were doing prose poems, which were really similar to writing stories. It was literally a story poem. If only I could just write prose poems for the rest of the unit.

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