Chapter Nine

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**Not edited or proofread!**


"Hey, we're holding a gender reveal party on Sunday," Farrah said as she walked into the office, a sandwich in one hand and a to-go cup of what was probably decaffeinated sweet tea in the other. "Do you want to come?"

"Um, sure," I said. "Never been to one before. Anything I should know?"

She laughed. "Nope. Just bring yourself. It'll be right there on the ranch. Grayson and I chose to do a gender reveal party, so Meredith and Chase are the only ones that know what I'm having."

I smiled at her. "Are you nervous?"

She shrugged. "Sometimes, I am, but then I remember how amazing Grayson is, and I'm reminded that I have nothing to be worried about. He'll be there with me every step of the way."

My heart softened. She and Grayson really were absolutely perfect together. It made me almost jealous, but then again, Drew was turning out to be pretty freaking great himself. I really could see myself settling down with him.

I just had to figure out what to do when my parents finally figured out where I was. They weren't going to let me go without a fight. It would tarnish their image to have me settling down in a small hicktown. They'd had bigger and better dreams for me, like opening my own practice.

But I didn't want that. I was content and happy right where I was, being a part-time veterinarian. I knew I would go full-time once Farrah went on maternity leave, but it would only be for a little while. And I was okay with that.

My parents would not be, however.

But I would deal with that when the time came. For now, I would focus on the present. Everything else could wait.


Drew wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me into him for a kiss once I walked up to him. I'd spent that past couple of hours helping Chase and Meredith get everything set up. They had told me they had it, but I'd insisted. And turns out, it was a good thing I had because their little girl began to pitch a fit about an hour ago and needed to be fed and put down for a nap.

My help had allowed Meredith to tend to her.

"Everything looks amazing, sweetheart."

I smiled, my cheeks tinting pink. "They planned everything. I just helped set it up," I reminded him.

He just shrugged and leaned down to peck my lips again. I looked around us. Family members milled around along with what seemed to be at least half the town. Two long tables were set up piled with finger foods and sweets. Chase had an inflatable slide set up for kids to play on so they were occupied and out of the adults' hair. Near one of Grayson's fields, he'd also set up seven balloons. Each of them were filled with blue and pink powder, but only the last one would reveal the gender of the baby. And Grayson had to shoot them all in a row so it would build suspense and more excitement.

I'd never been around a gun before, so this would certainly be interesting.

"Can I find out the gender of my kid yet?" Grayson impatiently demanded.

Meredith rolled her eyes at him. "Have you even had a freaking cookie yet, Grayson?"

He arched an eyebrow at her and affectionately rubbed his hand over his wife's swollen belly. "Cookies can wait. I, however, have waited long enough to find out what our baby will be."

Meredith huffed and looked at Chase. He was snickering and sipping at coffee. I swear, every time I turned around, Chase had a mug of coffee in his hand. It really was an unhealthy obsession.

"Let him," he told her.

Grayson surprised me by whooping. He then grabbed his rifle off the back of his truck. We all gathered around him. "Plug your ears," Drew told me.

I quickly covered my ears as Grayson lined up his rifle. I saw Meredith snap at him and Farrah laughing. Grayson scowled but aimed his weapon at the first balloon.

The gunshot shook me to my bones. It was loud and seemed to echo and bounce off every tree, pole, and piece of equipment on the property. Even though my ears were covered and I had been expecting it, I still jumped.

Drew wrapped his arms around me from behind, his heart beating strong and steady against my upper back. He rested his chin on the top of my head as Grayson worked his way down the line.

The last one exploded, and Farrah screamed in excitement all while tears began to stream down her face. I uncovered my ears just as Grayson swept her into a hug, twirling her around. Everyone was chattering in excitement.

"We're having a boy!" Grayson cheered once he set his wife on her feet.

Chase and Drew both enveloped him in brotherly hugs, and Meredith and I swarmed upon Farrah, gushing over her sweet, baby boy.

"I'm so excited," she cried. "I don't know why I'm crying."

I smiled at her. "As long as they're tears of happiness, Farrah, I don't think anyone is going to care that you're crying. You're having a boy! And he's going to be just as amazing as your husband."

She laughed. "Maybe that's why I'm crying," she teased. "He's going to be an absolute terror."

Meredith and I both broke out in laughter.

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