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**Not edited or proofread!**


Farrah and Meredith were so excited for me they could barely contain it. Over the months, we'd grown extremely close. We even got together every Wednesday evening for drinks and to gossip about our men, life, and the people of the town.

I looked forward to our get-togethers every single week.

But this Wednesday was different.

This Wednesday, we were crashing in on the men so I could tell Drew our good news.

We were having twins. Freaking twins. I was terrified and excited all at the same time. Twins meant double everything—double the work, double the expenses.

But it also meant double the love, and that was the part I was excited about. I would love every single child I had as my parents had never loved me.

"Are you ready?" Farrah asked me as we crept up onto the porch. They were holding their guys' day at Chase and Meredith's, and Chase's mom and dad had the grandkids.

I nodded. Meredith pushed open the door. "Babe? Everything okay?" Chase asked her.

"Oh, everything's fine," she said, waving him off. "We decided we wanted to crash your evening."

Farrah popped a confetti popper, exploding blue and pink confetti everywhere. "You're pregnant?" Grayson demanded.

I popped up, waving shyly. "Nope. I am."

Drew jumped up from the couch, almost spilling his beer in the process. His eyes dropped to my stomach. "You're really pregnant?"

I nodded and handed him my ultrasound pictures. He stared down at them for a moment, his hands shaking. Finally, his eyes widened. "Holy crap! We're having twins!" he yelled.

He wrapped me up in a tight hug and spun me around before he claimed my lips in a kiss so sweet that it wrecked havoc on my soul. "God, I love you," he rasped.

I laughed. "It's not just me that created this," I teased him.

He shook his head and rested his forehead on mine. "I'm about to coddle you for the next few months."

I rolled my eyes, but I knew he would. It was the way he operated. And honestly, I was looking forward to it.

He released me and turned to our friends, a huge grin pulling at his lips. He hadn't look this happy since I said "I do" at our wedding and sealed myself as his wife—Mrs. Drew Lee.

"We're really having babies!" he told them.

Chase and Grayson dragged him outside, shoving a fresh beer in his hand. Meredith and Farrah led me over to the couch. We propped our feet up on the coffee table, and Meredith grabbed the remote to the TV. "I imagine they'll be outside burning a fire for the next few hours and getting drunk off of excitement and beer. So we may as well get comfortable and watch a movie."

"Nothing sappy," Farrah told her.

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, it needs ninety percent smut?"

Farrah wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I barked out a laugh. "How about an action movie with a tiny bit of romance?" I asked them.

Farrah shrugged. "Sounds good to me. They normally have at least one smut scene."

I snorted. Farrah certainly was a wild one. And I'd seen her collection of erotica novels. The girl was a closet freak.

"Oh, speaking of smut," Meredith said as she flicked through the movies available to watch, "I just got a new collection of erotica books in. You might want to check them out."

"I'll be in tomorrow morning before work," Farrah told her without hesitation.

I snickered. I had no idea how I ever survived without these two in my corner, but I knew one thing. They were lifelong friends, women you could always turn to in your time of need. And I was infinitely glad I met them.

I rested my hand on my belly. And I was even happier that I'd met Drew, the love of my life, my forever.

Without him, I'd never have realized that everything I ever wanted resided right here in a small town, surrounded by beautiful mountains.

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