Chapter Thirteen

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**Not edited or proofread!**


I smiled and waved at Meredith as she led Max out to her car. He'd had his six month check today to keep him up to date on his shots. I swear, he was the sweetest dog I'd met. And he was so loyal to Meredith.

We really didn't deserve animals.

I locked up the office behind me. Everything was filed and cleaned up, and all of the trash had been taken out an hour before closing. I was exhausted. Today had been busier than normal, and though Farrah had told me to call if I needed more hands on deck, I hadn't. She was already so far along in her pregnancy. She needed to be getting all of the rest she could get. And I knew her husband agreed with me.

"Hey, sweetheart."

I swung around to face Drew, a wide smile on my face. "Hey!" I wrapped my arms around him and leaned up on my tiptoes to plant my lips against his. "This is a nice surprise."

He pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose. "Thought we could have dinner outside."

I giggled. "There's snow on the ground, silly."

He shrugged. "Live a little, sweetheart. Now come on. I promise I won't keep you out long. I know you have to open the office in the morning."

I was full time now. Farrah came in a couple of days a week, but other than that, it was normally just me. And I knew she was looking for a tech, but she said it was hard to get people to move out here or even make the drive.

I didn't understand why. This place was absolutely breathtaking, and it was so peaceful. I never wanted to leave. I wanted to spend the rest of my life right here in this small town with this amazing man.

Drew had become a permanent fixture when I pictured my future.

"What about my car?" I asked him when he led me to the passenger side of his truck.

"We'll come back for it later on," he promised me. He opened the door. "Now hop your cute behind into the truck."

With a light laugh, I hopped inside his massive truck. He held my hand all the way to a place on the outside of town, and he drove down a narrow dirt road until he stopped at the edge of a field. I waited for him to park and come open my door, just as he always did. The one time I'd tried to open my own door, he'd reprimanded me.

I'd learned my lesson since then. Drew was a gentleman through and through, and I absolutely loved it.

He helped me down from his truck and then led me out into a field. "This is part of Grayson's property," he told me. "I didn't think you had seen this part of his ranch yet. I love it because you have a clear view of the mountains."

I looked around me, taking in the bare, snow-covered field that stretched out to the base of the mountains. It really was absolutely stunning.

"It's beautiful," I breathed.

I turned to look back at Drew only to find him beneath me on one knee, his hand holding up a beautiful ring. It had a silver band and a gorgeous diamond in the center of it.

"I love you," he told me. "I wanted to do this a few days ago, but it just didn't feel right. I wanted this to be absolutely perfect for you, and I thought, why not ask you where you're surrounded by the things that made you fall in love with this place?"

Tears glistened in my eyes. He was going to pop the question. He was just as serious about me as I was about him.

I had no idea how I'd gotten so lucky, but I would never take this luck for granted.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Kaecee. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to raise kids together. I want to come home to you every evening, and I want you to continue sneaking into my job to spend the night with me when I have to pull long shifts. I need you by my side, sweetheart. I never realized how dull my world was until I saw you standing at the base of that tree trying to coax Bax down to you. You lit my world on fire that day, and it's been glowing brightly ever since." He shifted on his knee, drawing in a deep breath as he did so. "So, Kaecee, will you please do me the huge honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

"Yes!" I squealed. "Yes, Drew, I will marry you!"

He slid the ring on my finger and then stood his feet. I threw my arms around his neck and slanted my lips across his, sealing our deal with a kiss.

I was going to become Mrs. Drew Lee.

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