Chapter 13 Drawings

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Chapter 13 Drawings.

As Tang Yun stirred from sleep, he welcomed the familiar warmth of two bodies nestled beside him, a comforting presence that had become routine as the weather turned colder. The girls' cuddles brought a sense of normalcy back to his life, and he couldn't help but smile, grateful for their companionship and relieved to have his life restored to its usual rhythm.

Tang Yun couldn't shake the memory of the first night they arrived at the Silver Circle Sect's Orphanage. Bi Bi and Chen Chu-Hua had embraced him tightly, providing comfort amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces as they drifted off to sleep.

Filled with a rush of emotion, Tang Yun regarded Bi Bi and Chen Chu-Hua as his true sisters, basking in their silent companionship. Despite his gratitude for their comforting presence, he couldn't shake the nagging confusion about why they hadn't joined him earlier when he felt unwell. 

Yet, as thoughts of the night of his breakthrough and his subsequent troubles flooded his mind, he found himself too fatigued to dwell on it further. With a puzzled but ultimately indifferent mind, he drifted back into the realm of sleep.

Gradually, Tang Yun roused from his slumber to the gentle creak of the wooden door, signalling the arrival of the genial attendant. The warm smile on the kind uncle's face reflected Tang Yun's own, suffusing the room with a sense of warmth and familiarity. As Tang Yun revelled in the comforting presence of his sisters and the lingering fragrance that permeated the air, he experienced a rare moment of tranquillity washing over him.

Despite a lifetime spent on edge, today felt different, and Tang Yun was determined to relish the moment. With a silent nod of understanding, the attendant gently closed the door behind him, allowing Tang Yun to fully immerse himself in the serene embrace of his family.

Hour's pass.

Awakening in the room's dim light, Tang Yun noticed the attendant and the gracious senior sister. Their arrival brought a gentle rustle of blankets as they carefully moved Tang Yun's San sisters to their own bedroom. With a comforting bowl of savoury meat soup, the kind senior sister settled beside him, spoon-feeding him warmth and nourishment with tender care.

Tang Yun found himself surprisingly at ease in the presence of this lovely lady, her warmth enveloping him like a mother's embrace. It was as if her nurturing presence filled the room, dispelling any lingering discomfort. 

Tang Yun's usual reserve melted away, replaced by a genuine smile that mirrored the radiance of her beautiful face.

 "Thank you, senior sister," he expressed gratefully, savouring the delicious soup she had prepared.

Quyang Peijiu smiled warmly. "Anytime, you're such a charming little man," she said affectionately, gently brushing his hair away from his forehead with her fingers.

"Can I check your vitals?" she inquired, to which Tang Yun eagerly complied, shifting in delight and causing the blankets to rustle as he extended his arm, presenting his wrists to the senior sister.

After a few minutes of inspection, Quyang Peijiu declared with a bright smile, "Everything seems to be going smoothly."

As Quyang Peijiu examined Tang Yun's wrists, a puzzled expression crossed her face, amazed by the soul qi radiating from them. "You heal so fast, but what's this?" she exclaimed, noticing fine white powder falling from his skin as her delicate fingers brushed against it.

With black puppy-dog eyes, Tang Yun met hers, and she curled her lips into a beautiful smile. "It looks like your breakthrough is still happening," she said. "Is it itchy?"

Tang Yun shook his head. "I didn't notice," he replied softly, his heart fluttering as he met her radiant smile. He felt amazed at how kind this senior sister was to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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