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When we arrived at her house, I ran to the shower, desperate to wash away the smells of the forest. Sasha told me a shower was also good for sobering up. I scrubbed extra hard, making sure to get the smell of forest off of me, and the feeling of dirtiness off of me. When I was done, I dried myself, and went back into Sasha's room. She was still in her parent's bathroom taking her shower, so I had some time to myself. In that time, I thought about tonight's events. My conversation with Liam in between drinks, reminiscing about growing up, then trying to find Sasha. Getting lost in the woods, the wolf helping me ... Liam giving me his phone number! I raced over to my pants and searched for the paper. It wasn't there. 'Must've fallen out when I fell.' I thought to myself. Just then, my mind went back to the wolf. How it was so nice to me, so... strange. Usually when people come into contact with wolves in this town, it doesn't end well. I guess I got lucky?

Minutes passed before Sasha came into the room. "What are you doing?" She asked, seeing me covered in her comforter. "Trying to sleep." I answered yawning. "No, we're going to stay up to watch movies and eat popcorn."

I looked over at her alarm clock, "Dude, it's almost two in the morning, how long do you plan to stay up?"

She shrugged "I don't know, but it's a Friday, so until I get sleepy." Until she was sleepy, of course.

"Why don't you just talk to Chad, I'm sure he's up." "No, he has a game tomorrow, he's asleep."

I looked at the time again, "Fine," I let out a dramatic huff "I'll stay up as long as I can." I lied, knowing it'd get her out of the room for a few minutes.

"Great! I'll go get started on the popcorn, you choose a movie." She raced out of the room, jovial.

"Ok." I yawned again, sitting up. The second she left, I laid back down, instantly falling asleep.

The next morning, I was the first to wake. I sat up, and saw Sasha sleeping with a full bowl of popcorn. I couldn't help but laugh, "Get up." I shook her. "What, wait, what happened?" She sat up, alert. "Nothing, but it looks like I wasn't the only one tired last night." I pointed to the full bowl of popcorn still in her hand. She looked at it, and ate a handful. "Ew." I said, "Totally stale." She spit it out. "Why would you even eat it?" "I don't know, I thought it was going to be good." she shrugged. I laughed at her.

"What are we doing today?" I asked going into my bag and grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. "We're going to Chad's game. Liam will also be there." Her voice became sing-song during her last sentence. "I saw you two last night. Rekindling old flames?" She raised her eyebrows at me. I felt my cheeks heat up "No, we were just catching up, you know, the way that old friends do."

She rolled her eyes at me, "Please you've been in love with each other for the longest."

"If that were true, we'd be together."

"You can't hurry love darling, you just have to wait." She said getting up. I couldn't help but laugh, "That wasn't even clever, you straight up quoted the chorus."

She looked at me expectantly. "Can't hurry love, The Supremes." I said, rolling my eyes "Your songs have been getting easier. The game isn't supposed to be that easy."

Our song game, we started it sometime around middle school. We'd randomly quote our favorite songs and the other person would have to name the song along with the artist. For a while, it was mainly Mindless Behavior and One Direction. Since then our music taste has changed, but our favorite category will forever be the classics.

"Why did they schedule basketball games for Saturday?" I questioned groaning. "I don't know, but I have to support my love no matter what." "Right." I said dryly.

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