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The next few weeks passed in a blur. Home life was a bit rocky. Mom's over time shifts had calmed down a bit. But my dad, he was giving everything into this investigation. I didn't see much of him these days, he was up and out of the house before we woke, and didn't return until the later hours of the night. From what I knew of the investigation so far, he hadn't had any luck. No evidence at the crime scene, and no sightings anywhere around town. I overheard him talking to my mom one night, "I've never seen anything like this. The only evidence that we have of the attack are the bite marks on Kory, and Myra's condition. But nothing of that damn animal."

Kory spent the first week after the attack recovering, his teachers giving me his school work to deliver home. Not that he ever did his work, he spent most of his time by his cell phone, waiting on a text from Myra, who was discharged a few days after him. He'd sent her texts every hour, and even tried calling her here and there. It got to the point where her parents had to show up to our house and plead that he just let her recover from this traumatic experience.

When he was cleared to go to school again, his face had just a few scabs, his boot was off, but his arm was still in a cast. He'd be good to go by track season, dad made sure to inquire about that, but he'd just have to take things slow for the next few months. Kory feigned loving all the attention he received when he returned, in the back of his mind was Myra.

He was so consumed with worry these days, and I didn't know how to make him feel better.

That's what hurt the most, knowing how much my twin was suffering, and there was nothing I could do to help.

During this time, Eli and I grew closer. Every Night he'd call me, allowing me to let out all my transgressions and hold his ear until I went to sleep. With everything going on at home, it was nice to have the attention on me for a few minutes. Of course we'd talk about him, but he didn't like the attention on him for too long, no matter how hard I tried to keep it there.

He was a mystery, and unraveling him was slow going.

It became a routine for us, our nightly chats.

We also hung around each other more at school. He'd wait for me every morning in the school parking lot, and walk me to my car at the days end.

The closer we became, the more Lisa seemed to grow angry. How she knew about our nightly chats, and hanging out around school? I didn't know.

Liam also started growing suspicious of Eli and I, but didn't make mention about it when we were together. Probably didn't want to risk me giving him the silent treatment again. I forgave him for what happened the night of our date. After finding out what happened to Kory, I knew he was just trying to protect me. I still thought his delivery could've been better, but what happened happened.

Before I knew it, it was Wednesday, and I was at cheer practice. Where did the time go? I thought to myself. We were preparing for our annual cheer competition, as well as this week's game. To say that Lisa was being a complete psycho was an understatement. At the start of practice, the girls voiced their concerns for my brother and Myra, asking for an update on the two. I told them what I knew. "Kory was doing well, healing fine, and Myra was still home, not exactly sure of her state." Before they could follow up with more questions, Lisa took the attention and put it back on herself. "Alright ladies!" She smiled widely, "How do I look?" She twirled, showing off her booty shorts, which definitely weren't in school regulation, and spaghetti strapped shirt, with no bra. "What's the occasion?" Tonya asked, arms crossed.

"I invited Eli to watch us practice today," She smiled.


Now he could see first hand the verbal abuse she put me through. I couldn't help but think this was a tactic to try and embarrass me in front of him. Show him how dominant she was, and how weak I appeared.

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