manic monday

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It's the first of November. Robin and I sit shoulder to shoulder at the conference table while Drew paces the front of the room. Even his cool demeanor is becoming agitated by the deadline. His fingers click to the next slide, and he gestures to more publicizing strategies we could do to promote my book as well as improve Robin's image.

Henry chimes in occasionally, leaning against the wall at the furthest corner in the room. It's also the furthest point from Desi, who is reclining against her seat with a little too much nonchalance for it to be natural. It looks more like she's trying to slowly slide under the table.

Despite my every attempt to make her face Henry after their kiss, Desi absolutely refused to turn back. So, she did what any emotionally unstable woman in her late twenties would do when faced with guy problems... She turned up.

Predictably, the bottom of the bottle held no answers, and now she had two headaches: One from the wine and the other from Henry's burning glare drilling into the back of her skull for the last hour. The tension the two of them produce alone is enough to set the rest of us on edge.

Robin leans forward, brushing my shoulder as he does, "When do we start promotions? If it starts too soon, we won't have time to do the project, interviews, and start filming."

Drew nods, eyes skimming over the slides. His deep brown eyes hesitate over the text on the screen, before he shakes his head, "I can push back most of the promos for the film, but you are part of the book promotions too. There's a lot to consider."

Then Drew's eyes are settling on me, "How far are you?"

All heads turn to me, and I swallow. I was halfway through the first rough draft, but that was like saying I was halfway up Everest. Not even that, I was halfway across the parking lot to Everest.

That is if Mount Everest has a parking lot.

"I'm almost done with the first draft..." I drift off, knowing what I am about to say isn't going to be helpful. "But we can't afford it to be a failure. I need all the time you can give me."

Desi pulls herself out of the pit of despair to comment, "We can't delay the release date, but we can get by with teasers until it is out. Still..."

As if he can pick up her exact line of thinking, Henry comments from behind us, "Maizy Barker is going to make sure it's impossible for us to accomplish everything. There will barely be time for you to sleep when shit hits the fan."

Henry notices Desi looking his way and swallows something down. She turns her head toward the desk, and he rips his eyes back to Drew who is nodding with Henry's every word, "As scary as that all may sound, Leah is right. The priority is the book. Focus on writing. We'll handle the rest."

"What can I do?" Robin interjects, looking between Desi, Drew, and Henry. "I mean, I have some time now. I can help--"

"You do nothing." Drew points his finger at Robin, "I don't want to see your face, hear your name, or see you breathing anyone's air until this movie is out."

Robin opens his mouth to protest but Drew cuts him off, "Ah! No, I don't want to hear it! You exist in two places with two people and that's with me." He points to himself before pointing to me, "And her. That's it."

Dejected, Robin slouches back against his chair and grumbles to himself. Meanwhile Drew moves on to the next topic of business. "Alright, next. Co-stars."

At the mentioning of co-stars, anxiety begins it's slow trickle into my chest. I clear my throat to combat it as Desi furrows her eyebrows at Drew, "We have no power over who the co-star will be."

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