Hey Ugly

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I have rewritten things one of which is that no one besides Marinette and Adrien know that Jason is Bruce's son. As far as the world knows, he is still dead.

Before the liar could say anything, I started walking away.

"How dare you think you can walk away from me Dupain-Cheng!"

"Lila is talking to you! The least you can do is listen after all the bullying you put her through!"

I was tempted to say something but as soon as I saw who was giving the tour I skipped over.

"Little D." I called out.

"Dupain-Cheng," he responded with a straight face.

"What do I have to do to make you call me by my actual name?"

"I don't think that is possible," Tim said walking over sipping coffee.

"You and Damian are the tour guides?" I asked. I'm not sure how well thought out that was.

"It's my father's business which I will take over one day," Damian responded.

"That's not entirely true. I am a co CEO and help Bruce run things," Tim told me.

"My first order of business would be to fire you Drake."

"You wouldn't have the power to do that. Plus no one would support that decision or any that you want to make..."

"Ok boys that's enough," I interrupted. "I shouldn't have asked. I want to let you know everything is good on my end, so whenever you are ready."

I was about to walk away but stopped when Damian asked "Why are you and your friends dressed like that?" He genuinely sounded curious.

"Check MDC's Instagram page."

"Wait, you're wearing a MDC original. How? She only takes certain people. Believe me. I've been trying for months," Tim said.

"Let's just say I have connections," I replied over my shoulder. "Plus from what Jason told me Mr. Wayne has a surprise for you guys when it comes to the upcoming gala."

"You're telling me MCD is making our suits and Jason found out before me."

"Isn't your family filled with the world's greatest detectives?" With that I skipped away to my friends.

"So what did Lila and Alya want?" Nino asked once I reached them.

"They were claiming I was throwing myself at Mr. Wayne's employee to try to get close to him. I don't think they know how close Jason is to the Wayne family. Alya was also telling Jason that Lila was dating Damian. It was why he was laughing so hard."

"Out of everyone she was saying that to someone with close connections with the Waynes," Alix laughed.

"Can't be too surprised. They share one brain cell. Oh and to make matters worse Damian is one of the two leading this tour."

"This keeps getting better," Adrien laughed.

At the same time, Tim and Damian call out for the class to get their attention. The two end up glaring at the other trying to silently fight for the position of who would lead the tour. Before the two could kill the other, I walked back over to them.

"Today, Tim and Damian will be leading our tour of Wayne Enterprise. Mr. Wayne has assigned them himself, so make sure to show them respect," I started.

"I can't believe Bruce put children in charge of us," Lila whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That is Mr. Wayne to you," Damian said marching over to her.

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