chapter 2

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♪ Right ♪ ( Lizzie screaming ) ♪ Why is everything so stupid now? ♪ ♪ I've been drinking my delusions down ♪ ♪ I've been so blind ♪ ( Screams ) ♪ The kids ain't all right ♪ ♪ The kids ain't all right ♪
(Lizzie throws knife)

Alaric:  Eliz...(Knife stops in front of his face) ( Lizzie grunts )
Lizzie: (winces)sorry dad
Bonnie:oh jeeezzz
Alaric: oh my gosh. Oh I mean it's fine we're just gonna have to work at this😬
Caroline:(covers her eyes)🫣
Kol:aww man I was really hoping it would land😔
(Some light laughs can be heard)
Davina: kol! No
Enzo: mate a little closer and bye bye to you
Elena: it's like she's having a magical panic attack
Hope: yup
Bonnie: I'd say yeah something similar but she acts out in aggression
Freya: mhm you definitely need a better outlet
Lizzie: I know I did eventually get better
Hayley: have you and henrik had one of those(she says to hope)
Klaus looks at her to and so do the others
Hope: no not like that don't worry
(Btw she still worries)

♪ The kids ain't all right. ♪

Lizzie:Hi, Daddy.
Alaric:  Hey, baby. ♪ ♪
Caroline:so sweet🥹

[In the Werewolf transitioning space]

Hope: Hey.
Landon :Hope.

Klaus: noooo get out of there
(Laughs from others)
Kol:no he is absolutely right why are you there
Elijah: I do agree. Hmf I don't like this.
(More laughs)

Hope: ( Sighs ) Can't sleep either?
Landon : Yeah, small spaces. You?
Hope: Sometimes I get restless.
Landon : Busy brain?
Hope: ( Chuckles ) Busy everything. My body has a lot going on inside of it.
Landon: Which is an awesome segue into you telling me how you can move things with your mind.

Hope:You ask a lot of questions.
Landon:Wouldn't you?
Hope:Hmm. Why are you smiling?
Landon:I'm remembering the day we danced in the town square. Your brother just sat at the bench and glared at me the entire time while eating ice cream with a spork, it was a very intimidating.
Klaus: as he SHOULD. Should of scared the tosser away.(Folds his hands childishly)
Hope laughs at him
Hope: he wanted to
Klaus:hmf good.
Kol: why didn't he?
Hope: complicated reasons that will be explained later

Rebekah: aww
Hayley: how cute
(The other girls coo at them too)
(Hope blushes as her friends teese her and laugh at henriks face)
Klaus: ELIJAHH you traitor!
Kol laughing in the background
Elijah:(looks shocked) well I don't understand either
Matt: mini Klaus looked like he ate a lemon
Rebekah: let the poor girl be
Hope: (laughs) really under normal circumstances he more than likely wouldn't have let it happen. Henrik definitely wouldn't but yk like I said before it's complicated.
(Mikealsons and co looking worried)
Hayley: were you ok?
Hope: (sadly) yeah eventually thanks to dad I was.

Landon: This guy who used to mess with me in school finally got what was coming to him. I'd had a good day.
Just like me to crush on the girl with the most baggage.
Hope:I'm gonna try that sleep thing again. Landon:You know, you do that a lot.
Hope:Do what?
Hope: I can be dangerous to people. It's better if I keep my distance.
(Looks of worry are thrown her way. She ignores them)
Landon:Better for who?
Hope: Again with the questions.

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