Chapter 11

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This is sadly the last chapter. So I hope you all enjoyed and let me know down in the comments of what ya'll thought of this.


Third P.O.V.
*Huge time skip*

Some say it's not the best thing for choosing immortality staying one age forever. They all say that you will watch loved ones pass and you can never stay in love with anyone because they pass away. But not for Dylan Swan-Volturi. 

You read that right, Dylan Swan-Volturi. Dylan was turned three hundred and sixty-four years ago. She and the rest of her newfound family had gone through trials and challenges.

They were in a war for the first ten years of Dylan's immortality with the Romanian coven who wanted control over the vampire world. 

A female vampire coming out of nowhere claiming she was actually Alec's mate but everyone saw past her lies and she was killed a year after her arrival.

Dealing with the Cullen's because they wanted to know where Bella was. The only ones who were able to survive were Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper because they didn't want to be involved with the whole coven thing and were forced into it by Edward's secret gift. Jasper was never Alice's mate and found his mate who is a very old friend from Aro.

Currently Dylan was in her shared room with Alec seated next to her. She was reading a book as Alec was drawing. 

"Have you ever thought about children?" Alec spoke up.

Dylan looks to her mate. "I have but if or when I thought about it I would only think about having one child."

"Well what if I told you that Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper opened a supernatural orphanage..." Alec said and Dylan looked at her mate quickly.

"Really?" Dylan asks with a smile forming on her face.

"Of course. The last time a child was running around the castle was fifty years ago." Alec said.

He was referring to a child that Heidi, Felix and Charlie adopted after finding it abandoned. They found out he was a hybrid  called a werehyena which was part hyena and part human. Which was a bit of a nasty shock when his parents found out.

"Well Amos is now an adult with a mate and three children." Dylan pointed out.

"But they don't live in the castle. They stay in a permanent residence in the forest, only visiting every other month." Alec said.

Dylan sighed and looked at Alec. "You just want a kid don't you and you won't let this go until I say yes, aren't you?" 

"Yup." Alec said with a smile.

Dylan turned back to her book.

"So can we get a kid?" Alec asks.

Dylan put her book down. "No." 

She raises it back up but Alec grabbed it and threw it across the room. But his aim sent it straight to the fireplace where it burned.

"Alec!" Dylan pouted. "That was my favorite book!" 

"I'm sorry. We can find a new one and have the author sign it." Alec said kissing her on the cheek over and over again.

Dylan gets up and speeds to the throne room followed by Alec. She appears right next to Aro who jumped. There was another thing that came with Dylan's immortality. She was quiet as a mouse so you wouldn't know when she'd show up.

Everyone thought about getting bells and stitching them to her clothing but decided against it after they saw how she went after killing the female vampire who tried to claim Alec as her mate.

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