chapter 02

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Omg I'm so so soryy guys I didn't realize y'all completed the vote count, or else I'd already uploaded this chapter, I didn't think you'd do it so fast. so, deep apologies for my silliness. And tysm for voting I really appreciate it 🫶🏽🫶🏽

And I'll upload the next chapter only if you guys aren't silent in this chapter and I get atleast 5 comments. It isn't that hard y'all please share your thoughts on this chapter.

Slowly blinking his eyes open, he finds himself once again greeted by the sight of the familiar crooked, dirty ceiling looming overhead. To his left, the same old broken table stands, adorned with a few scattered books.

It's always the same routine for him - waking up in this room, going through the motions of freshening up, eating his meager breakfast bun, and then diving into his daily tasks.

With a sigh, he pushes himself upright, only to wince as a pang of pain shoots through his back. Every inch of his body aches, and he can't suppress a grimace as he closes his eyes in discomfort.

Glancing behind him, he notices a stain of blood on the bed. Is his back bleeding again? He bites his lip anxiously, his fingers tracing the edge of the stained fabric.

Slipping on his worn-out flip-flops with a sigh, he winces as he stands up. Grabbing his toiletries, he shuffles towards the door with a heavy heart, his nerves already on edge.

With a hesitant gulp, he pushes open the door, expecting to see the usual morning chaos in the corridor. But to his surprise, it's eerily empty.

Frowning, he steps outside, his senses on high alert. This isn't right. At this hour, there should be a flurry of activity as the kids rush downstairs to use the bathroom. Clutching his toiletries bag tightly, he ventures towards the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest.

Suddenly, a loud yell echoes down the corridor, causing him to freeze in his tracks. His eyes widen as he sees Madam at the end of the hall, her back turned to him. Without thinking, he quickly ducks behind a large carton, his breath caught in his throat as he waits for her to pass.

His heart races with terror, eyes widening in disbelief as he catches sight of the bloody knife clutched tightly in Madam's hand when she turns around. He instinctively presses his hand against his mouth, trying to stifle his breath as he watches in horror.

He ofcourse had seen and even felt Madam unleash her wrath on the kids before, but never with a weapon like this.

His mind reels as he observes Madam's husband trailing behind her, dragging a lifeless body along the corridor. A scream tears through his throat as he stumbles to his feet, pointing a trembling finger at the fallen child.

"What have you done to Sunoo?!" he cries out, his voice trembling with fear.

Madam and her husband's attention snap towards him, and the omega finds himself frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest. He takes a step back, his eyes wide with terror as tears stream down his cheeks.

Madam's voice cuts through the tense silence, dripping with false sweetness. "You weren't supposed to see this, Taehyung-ah," she coos, twirling the knife between her fingers menacingly. "You're an important kid. Go inside your room if you don't want to end up like your friend here."

Taehyung shakes his head frantically, refusing to comply with her orders. His gaze darts between the bloodied corpse of Sunoo and Madam, who smirks back at him with chilling indifference.

"Omega," she commands in her alpha voice, and Taehyung feels his eyes turn blue, his instincts screaming at him to obey.

But before Madam can react, the omega's fury boils over. With a primal scream, he lunges forward, grabbing a nearby metal rod and swinging it with all his strength. The rod connects with Madam's body, and he continues to rain blows upon her, His eyes burning almost red with rage.

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