chapter 04

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GUYSSS I'M SO SO SO SORYY!!!I didn't realize you had already completed the vote and comment count, or else I'd have uploaded it that very second. I'm not justifying my mistake, but because I didn't get much hype on Chapter 2, I didn't think you'd do it so quickly. So, forgive me, and thank you so much for voting and commenting; it made me so happy. Love you 😭🫀✨

Stepping out of the car, she gazes at the imposing mansion before her, and a surge of conflicting emotions washes over her.

This is it, this is the den of the mafia, the very embodiment of everything she despises.

Yet, it is also where her only person resides, the person she is determined to rescue from the clutches of darkness.

With a deep breath, she steels herself for the task ahead. Her heart races as she approaches the grand entrance, her hands trembling, clutching her bag tightly.

The intimidating line of bodyguards stationed at the door sends shivers down her spine, prompting her to avert her gaze and march forward, ignoring their scrutinizing stares.

Entering the hall, she can't help but marvel at its opulence. Despite the darkness that lurks within, the mansion exudes a certain allure, a stark contrast to the ugliness it harbors.


Her hands instinctively shoot up to cover her ears at the deafening sound of a gunshot echoing through the mansion, her entire body flinching in terror. Frozen in place, her heart pounds against her chest as tears well up in her eyes.

"Tsk tsk, I warned you," the harsh voice reverberates through the hall, sending a chill down her spine. Slowly, she looks up, her tear-filled gaze locking onto the figure of the man she once knew so well standing at the bar, his demeanor nonchalant as he pours himself a drink, a gun casually resting beside his glass.

"Oppa..." Her voice quivers, barely audible over the ringing in her ear, both fear and longing flashing in her teary gaze. With shaky steps, she begins to approach him, her heart aching with desperation.

But as their eyes meet, her movement halts abruptly. The gaze that meets hers is devoid of life, hauntingly empty and filled with a darkness that sends shivers down her spine.

Tears stream down her cheeks as she shakes her head in disbelief. Despite the overwhelming urge to run into his arms, she hesitates, the fear of what he has become paralyzing her. But the love she holds for him outweighs her fear, and with a sudden surge of courage, she races towards him, throwing herself into his arms and clinging to him desperately.

"Please, oppa," she sobs, her voice muffled against his chest. "I missed you so much. Come back home now." Her words are a plea, a desperate cry for the return of the boy she once knew, the boy she refuses to lose to the darkness that consumes him.

"Irene!" Jeongguk's voice slices through the air, cold and sharp. His eyes narrow as he clenches his jaw, the tension evident in every line of his body. Unconsciously, his hand tightens around the glass, shattering it into pieces, prompting Irene to recoil in shock.

Her hands shake violently as she reaches out towards him, her vision blurred with tears. But when Jeongguk pulls his hand away, she freezes, her heart sinking at the distance between them.

Her eyes fill with angry tears as she looks up and pushes against his chest, her voice cracking with emotion. "Why are you doing this, oppa? We only have each other. Why?" she cries out, her weak fists pounding against his chest in desperation. But Jeongguk remains impassive, his gaze fixed on her with a chilling emptiness.

"Go back home," he mutters, his voice devoid of any warmth or familiarity. The feeble assault on him ceases as Irene stumbles back, her heart shattering with each step.

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