chapter 05

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Irene's horrified gaze meets Taehyung's, her eyes widening in pure horror, her heart plummeting at the sight of her beloved in such a state. Without hesitation, she drops to her knees beside him, her hands trembling as she reaches out, only to recoil when the omega hisses in pain, his sobs echoing through the room.

"Oh my god, Taehyung! A-Are you okay? N-No, You don't look okay," Irene stammers, her voice thick with tears as she tries to assess his condition. But Taehyung can only shake his head, his cries intensifying as he clutches his injured leg, the pain coursing through him unbearable.

In a desperate attempt to comfort him, Irene leans in, her arms outstretched, but before she can make contact, a foot abruptly comes between them, harshly pushing the omega's trembling form from her. Shock and disbelief flash across Irene's face as she stares up at her brother, aghast at the cruelty in his expression.

"Drop that shitty melodrama," he sneers, his voice dripping with contempt as he nonchalantly loads his gun, the click of the chamber echoing ominously in the room. With a chilling calmness, he points the weapon at Taehyung, who shrinks back in fear, his eyes wide with terror as he stares down the barrel of the gun.

"H-have you gone insane?!" Irene's voice quivers with disbelief as she stands tall on trembling legs, her eyes fixed on her brother in pure incredulity.

"Oh? You just found out?" The trueblood's tone is mocking as he flicks the gun towards his own chin before redirecting it back towards Taehyung, who quivers in terror.

"N-no! Please put that down! Please!" Irene's pleas fill the air, her desperation palpable as she begs her brother to lower the weapon when he playfully toys with the trigger, a sickening smile twisting his lips.

In a desperate bid to protect Taehyung, Irene lunges forward, snatching the gun from her brother's grasp and hurling it across the room, her heart pounding in her chest.

But her relief is short-lived as Jeongguk's laughter fills the air. "You really thought I only had one of those," he chuckles, his amusement chilling to the bone. As Irene turns to face him, her heart sinks at the sight of another gun gleaming in his hand.

Before she can react, the room erupts in a cacophony of screams as a bullet tears through the air, embedding itself in the omega's arm. His agonized cries fill the room, echoing off the walls as Irene's horrified gaze darts between her wounded friend and her deranged brother.

"Do you want to be my next target, little girl?" Jeongguk's voice drips with sadistic excitement, a smirk twisting his features as he holds the gun steady, his eyes glinting with malice.

Frozen in terror, Irene can only watch helplessly, her heart racing as she grapples with the horrifying reality of her brother's madness.

"What do you even want?" Irene's voice barely whispers, her eyes dull and devoid of the sparkle they once held. She had entered the room with a glimmer of hope, but now, faced with the unyielding darkness of her brother's soul, that hope seems to evaporate before her eyes.

"Oh, you know very well what I want," he replies, his voice devoid of its earlier mockery, now tinged with a seriousness that sends a shiver down Irene's spine.

Good people could turn bad, and bad people could turn good, but the monster before her seems beyond redemption. Tears continue to flow freely from her eyes as she gazes at the man before her, once her beloved brother, now a stranger consumed by darkness.

She knows she's lost her brother, and she will never get him back. It shatters her heart into a million pieces.

As Jeongguk's eyes trace the tear tracks on Irene's pale skin, his own gaze darkens with visible red around his iris. He despises weakness, and yet here is his sister, vulnerable and broken before him, forcing him to confront the depths of his own depravity.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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