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Yoo-ah, who finished calculating in his head, reached out his hand.

"Because the teacher told me to play with him. Do you want to play Jenga with us? Do you know what Jenga is?"

"Uhh. I have played it with grund- gran, granma bef b-."

Main shou nodded, carefully grasping Yoo-ah's hand sticking out in front of him. Main shou, who was answering Yoo-ah's question with a slightly excited look, opened his eyes wide as if he had realized something and hurriedly corrected his pronunciation.

At the same time, the hands that were properly facing each other loosened their grip. He felt the warmth on the back of his hand, knowing that he hadn't let go yet.

I think he's trying to correct his pronunciation. He stammered so much that he looked more awkward than before. It is very regrettable for the main shou, but there was no significant difference in pronunciation.

No wonder he was discouraged every time I looked this way. I think he heard what the children said earlier.

'No, but... Even though he can't pronounce like a native speaker, I think he's good at Korean for a foreigner?'

No? Yoo-ah tilted his head.

In the conversation that the children had a while ago, and in the content described in the novel, the main shou was described to be lacking in Korean skills when he was young. So I guessed that communication would be almost impossible, if not impossible at all....

It wasn't at a level where he couldn't communicate, and if I listened carefully, he could speak so bluntly that sometimes he could even speak better than his peers.

I don't know how accurate other kids' pronunciation is because I've never been interested in it. At least that's what Yoo-ah thought. Perhaps it is not much different for non-Korean people to hear.

That's why he was more puzzled.

At least considering that the only person in this class who can speak foreign languages, including English, is the main shou, other than Yoo-ah who was aware of his past life, there were no major flaws.

At least considering the fact that there was only one person in this class who could speak a foreign language, including English, other than infants who were aware of their past lives, there were no major flaws.

In the first place, quite a considerable problem could be solved with flashing the baby's face. It's hard to find people who don't like pretty and cute things, regardless of whether they're adults or children.

'But why don't they like him? Are they being shy?'

If the conversation was this good, it was normal to have a friend or two, with that shiny face of the main shou.

A beautiful foreigner of the same age who can have normal conversations. Where else is there a word that stimulates children's appetite as much as this?

'...is it not? Is it because he looks rather exotic?'

Even if you are an elementary school student, you will be very interested in other people who can communicate. The kindergarten students seemed to be of different breeds.

Yoo-ah frowned and soon shook his head. Whatever it was, it had nothing to do with Yoo-ah. He was being nosy. In the first place, this thought was enough to finish at home. It's better if you don't do it at all.

"Yoo-ah yah, shall we play rock, paper, scissors again?"

"Huh? Yeah, let's do that. Because Su-yeok joined us."

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