(25) Ignorance and Determination

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As Lumi prepared to return to the tributes' apartment, she meticulously arranged the freshly baked cookies in a hand woven basket, their sweet aroma filling the air with warmth and comfort.

Yet, as she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror, a wave of exhaustion washed over her.

Dark circles marred the delicate skin beneath her eyes, a stark reminder of the sleepless night she had endured.

Turning to her avox, she offered a weary smile. "Could you help me with my makeup, please? I want to look a bit more refreshed before I go."

With practiced hands, the avox set to work, expertly applying makeup to enhance Lumi's features and mask the telltale signs of weariness.

As she gazed at her reflection once more, Lumi couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the silent support of her avox, their unwavering dedication a comforting presence in her time of need.

With her appearance now restored to its usual radiance, Lumi gathered her resolve and set out for the tributes' apartment, determined to face whatever challenges awaited her with grace and composure.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As Lumi entered the apartment, she noticed Lucian sitting in the living room engrossed in a book. With a soft smile, she set the basket of cookies on the table and removed her scarf, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling over her.

"Annora, would you like some cookies?" Lumi called out, her voice carrying a hint of warmth.

Annora walked into the living room, her eyes lit up at the offer, and she eagerly reached for a cookie, whispering a grateful "Thank you" as she took a bite.

Lumi's smile widened at Annora's appreciation, but her moment of joy was interrupted by Lucian's concerned voice.

"Are you okay?" Lucian's brow furrowed as he tapped under his eyes. "You look exhausted."

Lumi's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized the makeup could only do so much.

"Oh, it's nothing," she replied, trying to downplay her fatigue. "Just a long night of reading."

But Lucian's gaze remained fixed on her, his concern palpable in the air.

Lucian returned to his book, leaving Lumi to share a quiet moment with Annora. As she watched Annora enjoy the cookies, Lumi couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness thinking about how this could be the last moment of calmness they could have.

"Damian isn't here yet... he must've forgotten... but don't worry, I've arranged for the best stylist to work with you guys."

Lucian swiftly closed his book with a loud thud, leaning his head against the couch.

"Why on earth would we need that?"

"Well, today's the interview, and if you want sponsors, you both need to look your best," she explained calmly.

Lucian let out an incredulous scoff, but she chose not to engage further, silently hoping he'd cooperate, if not for his own sake, then for Annora's.

As if on cue, a gentle knock echoed through the room

As Lumi approached the door, her hand hesitated on the knob for a moment before she gently pushed it open.

To her surprise, standing on the other side was her aunt, adorned in chic attire and holding a sleek portfolio.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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