chapter 20

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Taehyung came home. He came early today from court. He just sat on the couch beside his father.

"Is everything okay?" asked patting taehyung's left shoulder. Taehyung was sad and depressed from some days. And knows the reason very well. Taehyung have just losted his one and only bestfriend few days.

"Hmm" taehyung hummed, closing his eyes.

Taehyung frowned and opened his eyes when he get notification. He sat straightened and opened his phone to check out the notification. But taehyung's hands starts shaking badly when he saw the video. His breath hitched in his throat. He just can't belive what just he saw. stand off from the couch. He can't belive what he just saw.  He and taehyung both get notification from same unknown number at same time.

"JUNGKOOKKK" both the father and son kim duo looked front when they saw fumming in anger. She was looking red due to anger.

"JUNGKOOK. YOU SON OF BTCH COME DOWN RIGHT NOW" she again yelled looking towards jungkook's room which was upstairs. She looked at taehyung and with her angry eyes. Yes , she also get the same video like and taehyung.

"JUNG-" she again yelled when a lifeless jungkook came out with scared face , his eyes was red puffy. His hands were trembling while coming downstairs. But he didn't looked at who was standing in between of living room , nor he looked at who have an unknown face which was not unnoticed by others. Jungkook looked only at taeyhung , who was sitting on couch like a statue. It's look like that mrs kim's shouting didn't affect him at all.

"YOU BASTARD" as soon jungkook stepped down at floor from last stairs. ran to him in anger and held jungkook from his shoulder and dragged him in front of taehyung and Jungkook flinched and looked at when he suddenly get dragged by

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ??" she throws jungkook at floor ,infront of and taehyung. And yelled at him. She throws her phone on jungkook too. And jungkook can saw the same video on phone , same as he got from unknown.

"YoU SLUT". She again yelled.

"N-no no. It-its not me" jungkook's stand up immidietaly. His mother-in-law got same video. His eyes widened in fear. The fear of maybe taeyhung and also get the video.

"It-its no- i-" jungkook flinched hard. When yelled at him. She was fumming in anger. Jungkook was try to prove his answer to her.

"SHUTUPP YOU BITCH" she yelled making jungkook teary. The fear which he was feeling from morning is coming infront of him.

"LOOK. LOOK MR.KIM WHAT HE DID" she went to whose head was hanging low, maybe-maybe in embarrsement? Maybe in sadness ? Maybe something unreadable which is impossible to write.

"it's no-" jungkook's soul left his body when he saw his father-in-law's head hanging low in embarrsement. If in this home anybody after taehyung , loves him , it's his father-in-law ,

"SHUT THE FUCK UPP" rotated from in speed of light and yelled at jungkook making those tears of his eyes , which wasn't shedding to flow now , flow down on his cheeks.

"Don't speak" she said showing her palm to jungkook.

"Taehyung" turned around and walked away from she went towards taehyung who was sitting on couch unbothered like he isn't even present here. Sitting like stone , his phone hanging down from his left hand, eyes opened and staring at nothing but table in front of him from last fifteen minutes.

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