will you join hands with me?

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hello sweethearts!!!

i am back with another chapter, so lets start!!! 

sweethearts, it's already 1.1k reads!!! woohooo!!! i love you all!!!


y/n pulled over in a campus again gaining attention of passerby, she got down but there was another girl with her, making boys cheer for them, y/n glare at them and it was pin drop silence. she walked towards the dean cabin with binita. 

binita said,"you never left your charm" y/n replied,"Diamond never leaves its shine" both smiled a little and came towards dean's cabin, y/n knocked on door. after getting response as 'come in'

they both entered inside, dean stood up she bowed to y/n and y/n nodded her head, binita also nodded when she bowed to her, binita said being surprised,"you are Indian?" dean nodded her head.

she was wearing a decent saree, her grey hairs which are tied in a bun showing her experience, those glasses over her eyes shows her sight maybe weak but she does knows how to differentiate  between good and bad, the Chamomile scent from her was calming the anxiety of binita. 

 y/n said,"hello ma'am, she is Binita Roy the new admission.Also i would be taking care of her" dean nodded, binita said,"hello ma'am, may i get my schedule for the day?" dean said,"yes, of course, here you go" she gave her schedule, both of went out saying,"have a great day"

coming towards locker room, y/n opened her locker and binita was standing there, 2 small paper fell down when she opened it, binita noticed it, y/n picked it up and read it while a small smile lingering on her lips. 

binita asked,"oh ho, smiling huh? what's written in there?" y/n could sense the tease in her tone, y/n replied,"someone put this here everyday i guess and i like to read them, it feels like this person knows me more then i know myself"

binita said,"try to find him or her." y/n replied,"i am waiting for him/her to come out by himself/herself" binita said nodding her head,"suits you, well this feels like school romance" y/n agreed,"yeah indeed it does" 

y/n wrote a quick reply back till then binita kept her stuffs in locker too and took what's needed, they both head towards their classroom, a boy came out and took the piece of paper y/n left, he said to himself,"so you want me to show myself" he smiled and went. 







reaching at company, both y/n and binita changed into formals, they went out and sat in y/n's car, y/n drove to somewhere after reaching in front of a mansion they both got down from car, y/n gave it to watchman to park.

they got inside the mansion, a maid already informed someone, "you are here!" someone exclaimed, they looked and found Mrs.Min, she came and hugged y/n and she hugged her back, same thing binita did when she was engulfed in a hug. 

y/n said,"i heard Mr.Min is home, i want to meet him" Mrs.Min nodded and said,"he is in study room, she will lead you the way" Mrs.Min pointed towards a maid and she lead them to study room in which Mr.Min was present. 

y/n knocked on door and got inside when they got permission, Mr.Min was surprised to see y/n and binita, he asked them to sit in front of his desk, a maid came and served them coffee, y/n said,"i am here to talk something important"

Mr.Min replied,"i can see that" binita continued,"it's someone thing about your late wife" he looked them with wide eyes, he got up and locked the study also pulled the shade so no one can see or hear them. 

he asked,"what you know?" y/n smirked and said,"i know who killed her" Mr.Min replied," i also know who killed her and i am trying to find him" y/n replied,"your and my enemy is same  Mr.Min, he killed my dad and your beloved wife" 

Mr.Min asked,"what you want to do know?" binita said,"lets join our hands" Mr,Min laughed and said,"you know who i am? i am mafia king and when i can't find them then how can you kids, underworld things are no joke kiddos" 

y/n said,"and if i said you are talking to Ichor" Mr.Min asked his voice cracking up,"y-you are I-Ichor?" binita nodded and said,"yes, she is Ichor, he is your enemy and ours, i am the one who handles her mafia work in India and there are others in other countries too"

y/n conitnue,"if you and i will join our hands then we can find him easily, he have taken many things from me and many things of yours too" her last words had a mystery in them, y/n said further,"so, Mr.Min Ji-Osung will you join hands with me?"

he nodded and they both shook hands, binita had a file with her on which both of them signed, y/n told him,"your boys are also in this mafia world" he was shocked, binita continued,"they don't want you to get involved in this and get attacked that's why they haven't told you"

Mr.Min said,"it's wrong this work has made me lost everything i had and now they also joined it, no they have to leave this all" y/n kept her hand on his shoulder to calm him as he is panicking, she said,"you know that too, if once we are in this we can never get out"

he looked at her with tear eyes,"you don't know, that's not we wanted for them" y/n said,"i can't understand you but i surely support you and we both needs to think practically and it's truth once we get in we can never get out" her voice got soft.

he said,"what we do now?" binita said,"lets work with them together" y/n nodded and said,"and i'll try to find out if there is any way for them to come out of here" Mr.Min asked,"so i have to tell them about me and make them reveal themselves" 

binita and y/n nodded their heads, y/n said,"they don't know who Ichor is and they should never know it, i will come in front of them but as Ichor not y/n" Mr.Min nodded his head, binita said,"we'll take our leave and tell us if you have any plans" he nodded and they left.






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