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hello sweethearts!!

i know you all want update everyday but i can't write 2 stories in one day, its difficult for me! by the way your author loves thunderstorms!


y/n barged inside yelling,"MIN JUNGKOOK!" everyone came down hearing her shouts, jungkook hide himself behind others, y/n was huffing in anger, her eyes dangerously scanning the surrounding. 

namjoon asked sensing the tension in atmosphere,"what happened?" y/n said,"oh! you don't know what your beloved baby brother did?" her words colored in sarcasm.

they all looked at jungkook and he smiled sheepishly, y/n said,"you want to see, lets go in garage and see"

they all came out and then moved inside garage, first thing came in their view was a car whose back was destroyed as if someone has hit it from another car. 

y/n's hands were in fists, she glared at jungkook who scratched his back of nape with his hand, y/n asked,"how this happened?" jungkook looked at others who were standing with her.

he said,"i-i d-don't know" y/n repeated in anger,"you don't know? seriously! and that also this car! you don't know how important it is for me!!"

y/n looked at it then at jungkook, he said being irritated,"i know you love your car and i'll send it for repair tomorrow. stop overreacting"

y/n grabbed his collar and burst out,"STOP OVERREACTING, THIS IS MY DAD'S CAR! YOU KNOW! HE-" she stopped in mid when others tried to pull her and she realized what she said.

she removed herself from their grip and said,"please leave from here" they looked at her, seokjin tried to say something,"listen-" y/n cut him,"please!" her back facing them.

yoongi held seokjin with his shoulder and turned him, taking him with others, they all stepped inside house.

jungkook expressed,"i didn't knew it was her dad's car" they nodded and patted younger's shoulder in empathy. 

y/n removed her blazer, closing the garage after parking her car inside, she placed herself inside her dad's car, grief took over her, memories flashed in her mind. 


little y/n and ji-hyun came out being blindfolded, y/n asked,"what is it dad?" her dad opened their blindfold and a car was in front of them. 

ji-hyun went towards the car and touched it, y/n hugged her dad congratulating him, soon ji-hyun joined them too. 

Mrs.Kim said,"what about me?" and she joined them when they opened their arms for her, they chuckled in happiness. a strong thunderstorm rang!

flashback end

y/n opened her eyes when thunderstorm rang in her ears, she touched the steering wheel of car, her eyes watered up. 

she thought,'everything was good, we were happy together, then t-that day in this car-' her thoughts cut off when someone opened garage door. 

Jimin entered inside looking for her, y/n was still sitting inside the car, jimin panicked looking her inside a damaged car, he said,"come out, you'll get hurt"

y/n asked,"i told you all to leave me alone for sometime, didn't i?" jimin sighed when he looked at her tight grip on steering wheel making her knuckles go white. 

again thunderstorm was heard and her grip tighten more, he opened the door and asked her,"come out" y/n looked in his eyes and there was just determination. 

she sighed and came out in silence, she started taking step towards garage door, jimin pulled her from her elbow and engulfed her in hug, he stroked her hairs. 

he said,"sometimes it okay to not be okay" y/n's eyes watered and she burst out in tears as rain began outside, jimin rubbed her back and stroked her hairs. 

after 15 minutes, as rain slowed down y/n's sobs decreased, she said getting separated from him,"i am fine, leave me" she moved towards the door and he asked,"where is my thank you?"

y/n increased her steps and came inside house, after removing her heels she moved upstairs and closed the door of her room. she checked the study room and it was empty. 

she sat on her bed, 'why i am getting close to them, its wrong', her phone rang and aruem's number flashed, she sighed picking it up. 

"y/n, tomorrow they are going to attack on university" her voice met y/n's ear. making her sit straight, she asked,"at which time?" aruem answered,"in afternoon"

y/n said,"tell them to clear the campus before afternoon!" aruem continued,"okay, and i know what happened, kookie told me"

y/n sighed and said,"i don't want to talk about it" aruem said,"i am not defending him but he didn't knew it was dad's car" 

y/n hung up and went to change, after coming out, she sat in front of dressing mirror, after drying her hairs, she stood in front of her dad's picture.

taking out candle from the drawer on the table beneath it she said,"i am sorry, i couldn't keep our first car safe dad"

she continued while lighting up the candle,"is it okay to be close with them dad? your princess is confused dad, i am afraid i'll lose them just like you"

she kept the lighter beside it and looked at the picture, she again started speaking,"should i move on like mom? should i leave everything in past? vengeance, should i forget it?"

she said,"give me a sign dad, your princess in in dilemma, should i accept them?" window got opened making wind enter room through curtains, she looked at the window and then at her dad's picture. 

she smile softly and said,"i'll take it as sign dad" she went towards the window closing it, she laid down on bed, as she closes her eyes, jungkook's hand came in her view. 

y/n sat on bed, she said,"he is wounded" she opened her bedside drawer taking out, a cream tube. she got out of her room only to find all lights turned off. 

she asked to herself,"they didn't did dinner?", standing in front of jungkook's door, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door. 

jungkook opened the door, y/n asked,"can i come in?" he moved aside and let her come in, y/n said,"give me your hand" jungkook's eyes widen, he said,"I'm not a kid whom you'll smack from stick"

she sighed and took his hand, she made him sit on bed and sat beside him on bed, while treating his wound she asked,"how this happened?" 

he looked at her and said,"i touched the bonnet of car to stop it but it was to hot due to engine and it got burned", she said,"you should have told me before"

jungkook asked,"it was your dad's car?" y/n nodded and said,"it was the first car dad brought, we were so small when he bought it" jungkook said,"that's why its important for you"

y/n nodded, and closed the tube, she said getting up,"rest well, goodnight, oppa" jungkook said,"good night" y/n entered inside her room and laid on bed, slumber taking over her.


please, tell me if you like this chapter and the interaction between boys and y/n? suggest some scenes you want to share! i want comments from all of you.





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