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hello sweethearts!!!

usually i would have been working on my other book but you all were excited for this one so why not!!


as soon boys eyes went on binita who brought Aruem inside while supporting her to walk, they all stood up they were too stun to speak. 

jungkook ran to her, he touch her cheek with shaking hands, soon her skin came in contact with his fingertip, aruem looked at him with teary eyes same as jungkook's.

aruem hugged him crying her heart out, y/n binita and others were looking at both of them while their eyes water up. jungkook sobbed with aruem. 

they got separated and he made her sit on cough, he crouched in front of her wiping her tears when his own cheeks are drenched with his tears. 

jungkook asked,"is this t-true? y-you are h-here with me?" aruem nodded her head while her eyes again watered up, y/n said interrupting,"she's weak, take her in binita's room and let her rest" how much she's worried is visible in her tone.

jungkook nodded and picked aruem in his arm walking upstairs towards binita's room, y/n, binita and others sat in living room waiting for jungkook to come back. 

after 15 minutes, jungkook came and sat with them, he informed,"she slept" binita nodded her head and once again awkwardness took over the atmosphere. 

hoseok asked,"how? i mean i am happy to see her but how?" y/n and binita looked at each other well known of this interrogation approaching them. 

binita told,"she wasn't dead, we got to know this 6 days ago" seokjin asked,"then that dead body?" y/n answered,"it was just physically identical to aruem" 

yoongi guessed,"we were tricked..." both ladies nodded their heads, namjoon asked,"how you got to know about her being alive?" y/n said,"she gave us a signal"

binita continued,"she was trapped in a basement and there was no signal but slowly she made a router which can pull signals and then she send us a signal by stealing a phone of guard present there" (i am not good with technical terms)

y/n said,"then with the help of police we rescued her" of course they all knew she lied, y/n won't kill people who harmed her dear ones its impossible.

jimin asked,"so why media isn't here?" binita replied,"because we used our sources to keep this matter shut until aru wants to reveal it"

 taehyung asked,"what about those people who kidnapped her?" y/n and binita looked at each other, y/n replied in instant,"they are no more as they got shot down in encounter" 

y/n got up avoiding eye contact with anyone and said,"i am tired so i am going to sleep" binita also went behind her so that they won't trap her with their words.

y/n's whole body was covered with clothes so that her wounds won't be visible, binita entered inside with her, binita asked,"what if they find out?" y/n said looking at her,"then we can't do anything! we are going to work together"

y/n again said sighing,"thankgod i did search for her, when i met baby i doubt maybe she's also alive and she was!" binita smiled and they both hugged expressing their felicity.







in dinner time, they all sat on dining table waiting for y/n to bring other pots containing food, taehyung said,"we have hotpot today" and everyone smiled at his remark.

y/n sat with binita and aruem on her other side, they started eating with few talks and laughing at aruem's tales about their childhood. seokjin also joined aruem in teasing. 

everyone kept their dishes and y/n went to do dishes, boys sat in living room and binita went in her room for some work and aruem went to take shower. 

jimin saw a plate on the table in living room where they ate in evening he took it and went in kitchen to give it to y/n, he kept the plate in sink when his eyes went on bruises in y/n's hands. 

his eyes darken by looking it, y/n has rolled up her sleeves to do dishes, jimin came out without saying anything, he said to seokjin,"hyung do first aid on y/n's hands, there are bruises"

they all became serious and that's when aruem joined them, aruem asked taking her seat next to jungkook and observing their mood,"what happened guys?" 

seokjin went in room and brought his bag down, he took out required stuffs and y/n walked in rolling down her sleeves but it itches as the fabrics touches her bruises. 

y/n said giving aruem her med,"here you go" aruem took it with soft smile and that's when seokjin pull y/n and made her sit on sofa crouching in front of her. 

he took her hand and rolled up the sleeves, others eyes darken at her hands several cut marks which she usually hides from concealer. y/n looked at aruem doubting on her. 

aruem raised her hands in surrender and y/n looked at seokjin who is applying medicines, y/n said calmly,"its okay... you don't have to-" her words got cut due to his glare. 

y/n sat quietly and let him do what he was doing, after completing his work seokjin stood up and took bag with him in his room 

y/n asked to boys,"by the way, what you all do for living?" they looked at her in disbelief and aruem laughed, aruem said to boys,"don't mind she is like this only"

taehyung said,"jin hyung is doctor, yoon hyung is music producer, hobi hyung is choreographer, joon hyung is COO, chim runs a cafe and a college, kookie is painter and i am fashion designer"

y/n nodded at the information and seokjin joined them, aruem said to y/n,"thank you for rescuing me from there" y/n frowned at her weird behaviour.

y/n asked,"you want something?" y/n continued,"and that's why you are buttering me?" aruem shook her head in denial. then aruem said sighing,"okay gift me a bag" 

y/n nodded and said going upstairs,"goodnight aruem.....and others" they looked at her as its their first time seeing her greeting them, they all said,"goodnight!"

after a little chit chat they went to their rooms, yoongi came out of his room with his laptop and instruments, he said in balcony and set it up then his eyes went on binita in living room working.

 he went in kitchen and came out with 2 cups of coffee. He gave one mug to binita, she smile and took it while she took the mug their fingers brushed together and it send sensation to yoongi. binita said,"thankyou" and he smiled in return. he went to do his work.






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