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Wang woke up early to milk the cows while Xie did chores. When they were done, Xie freshened up and prepared for work.

Xie, could you please stay for a few minutes? I want to talk to you and Grandma. Wang said. Wang thought about it and felt Xie should also hear what he had to say.

Can it wait? Xie asked. I've got a meeting and I'm running late. And I need to go to my dress fitting.

But it's critical, Wang insisted. I promise it won't take long.

Wang, please, whatever it is. Discuss it with grandma. I trust her judgement. Xie took her car key and left. Have a nice day, she said and shut the door behind her.

With a sigh, Wang watched as Xie left the house. Feeling frustration and disappointment.

With a heavy heart, Wang turned to his grandma and spoke, "Grandma, I need to confess something. I lied to you the last time I was with Zhan. His parents didn't just die. I didn't know how to tell you what he said, and I'm so sorry."

Last time Wang had conflict with Zhan, his grandmother approached him with a concerned look on her face. She noticed his frightened and sad demeanor and wondered why he looked that way. Instead of telling the truth, Wang came up with a fabricated story to conceal the true reason behind his distress.

"Wang tells his grandmother that Zhan had lost his parents. He concocted this story to mask the real reason for their confrontation."

His grandmother took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "I knew it was more than that," she breathed. "Whatever it is, you can tell me, right?" she asked. Her voice was filled with understanding.

He said he was... what is that? His grandma said, interrupting him as she stood up and Wang followed her.

As they stepped outside, a chaotic scene greeted Wang and his grandmother. Cows were running amok, and people were shouting and trying to corral them. "What on earth is happening?" Wang exclaimed, trying to make sense of the commotion.

Wang. Ming Jue called his name.

"Uncle Ming?" Wang asked, confused, as he turned to look at him. However, before Ming Jue could answer, a loud crash sounded from the distance, and they both turned their attention towards the chaos unfolding with the cows and the shouting people.

"Chang, sorry, we came unannounced. This is Meng Ziyi," Ming Jue said, introducing the unfamiliar person next to him to Wang's grandmother. Wang's curiosity piqued, wondering what brought the almighty Ming Jue to their house.

"Hello, mother," Meng Ziyi said, smiling. "Can we go in and talk? It seems like there's a lot that needs to be explained."

"Sure, come on in," Wang's grandmother replied, her confusion evident on her face. She led the way into the house, leaving behind the chaos outside, eager to hear the explanation for this unexpected visit.

I apologize for the unannounced visit. My name is Meng, and I am a ...... a witch. Wang's grandmother suddenly interrupted her. "I know what a witch smells like," she said, cocking an eyebrow. Now, I would like to know the purpose of your visit."

"I apologize for any misunderstanding, but we are here on behalf of the crown prince," Meng replied, maintaining a composed demeanor.

The crown prince. Wang hissed, "That Brute doesn't care about anyone."

"No, not that one," Ming Jue replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "We are here for the first crown prince.

Wang and his grandmother shared a glance before she moved closer to Ming Jue. "That crown prince?" she asked. Hertone was filled with curiosity and suspicion.

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