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I can't shift.

I can't shift.

I can't shift.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stood there, completely stunned. My mind had gone utterly blank. It was as if someone hit the pause button on my thoughts, leaving me in a state of shock.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. This was so unexpected that it felt like a punch to my guts. My eyes widened and my mouth opened but no words came out. I was at loss for how to react, how to process the information that had just been dropped on me.

My thoughts raced, trying to make a sense of it. It was as if my brain was desperately searching for a way to comprehend the incomprehensive. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wrap my head around it.

It isn't possible, is it? She is a wolf then how can she not shift? And if it's so, then how she knows she's a wolf?

Is this why they call her a witch? Because she has done nothing to prove she is a werewolf.

A mix of emotion flooded through me. There was disbelief, of course, but also a tinge of anticipation. There has to be something else in it.

She must have seen my shock. I don't know how she's judging my reaction but it's for sure she's scared.

"Theo.." She pleaded. Her obvious fear is coming true. I can't understand this.

My wolf is numb. He's silent and curled up in my head.

"What do you mean you can't shift? You're a wolf, right? How ca—" I stopped. I'm not helping her at all.

I held her shoulders and made her sit on the couch nearby. After taking a deep breath, I sat in front of her, on the floor. I looked up at her only to find tears in her beautiful, golden eyes.

My heart froze at the sight. I never willingly acknowledged a mate's importance but I never wanted to make her cry.

"Tell me about it. All of it. I'll hear everything."

She took a deep breath and blinked her tears away. "I—I found out about it when I was 4. I thought my wolf form is just late because newborns don't have a wolf, right? But years passed and I couldn't shift. I can talk to my wolf, like every other normal wolf."

I didn't failed to notice how she said 'normal' to define the others.

She continued. "I tried very hard. I thought I was doing it the wrong way but nothing worked. I just couldn't do it. I can't mind link as well. My parents just figured it out it was because of the witch's curse. I accepted that I'm not completely a perfect wolf."

I interlockes her fingers with mine, offering her support. "I don't care what others think on that matter, Zuri. But I do care for your thoughts about yourself. Don't underestimate yourself. Ever."

She smiled softly. "You know, I believed I'll never have a mate as well. Because that's what a real wolf gets. You were a miracle for me." She chuckled. A humourless, painful sound.

My heart race at her confession. I realise this secret has created a deeper bond between us. Her vulnerability that makes her who is she.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect mate. She's complete in her own way.

I, as a human don't care about her not shifting. But can you?

You think so low of me. She's my mate. The only one for us. It was me telling you about all the possibilities with her. Don't waste your time now.

"You." I pressed on my words. "are perfect." She blinked. "My beautiful, flawed mate who is perfect for me. You say I am a miracle for you? Let me tell you Zuri, it's actually the other way around. Before meeting you, I had my head in my ass, all the damn time. I can't understand emotions, treated them like weaknesses. But you taught me what feelings are. Just being with you makes me feel complete. So if you are incomplete, then I am too."

I felt something wet on my hands. I looked up to see her crying. But this time, they weren't sad tears. She saw smiling at me. It lit up her entire face. She was glowing, just like her alluring eyes.

"You complete me, Zuri. I'm nothing without you."

She pulls me up and bury her face in my chest. "I can't believe you are accepting me like this." She sobbed more.

"Your curse doesn't define you. And who am I to leave with just a mere thing? We have a chance to build something real and strong. I want my future with you."

I kissed her forehead. She melted in my embrace.

I finally have my mate in my arms.


A Broken MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora