Chapter 22: Commission from Amid!

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Chapter 22: Commission from Amid!

"How do you know that the amount of potion I buy will not exceed the price of 100,000 valis?" Shiro couldn't help but ask.

"New adventurers usually don't buy expensive items. As a new adventurer, your budget should be around 100,000 valis. With that amount, you can only buy ordinary products from our store. Anything you buy won't exceed 100,000 valis," Amid explained with a cheerful smile.

Shiro shook his head and decided to teach her a lesson.

Amid fell silent as she watched the other party pull out a long shopping list from a golden card.

Is this really something a novice adventurer needs to buy? Is it too late for her to regret now?

Since when did the Loki Familia become so generous, giving so much money to a rookie adventurer to buy potions?

And did I just catch a glimpse of an order for a high-quality elixir? Do adventurers who operate on the upper floors really need this kind of potion? This is something that can heal even serious injuries.

While Amid was still internally complaining, Shiro brought out the shopping list he had prepared before leaving Twilight Manor.

He also planned to bring back some of each potion when he returned to his original world, since the medical situation there was quite abstract.

If placed in the life pod, even severe injuries would be healed, so taking back these potions to see if a strengthened version could be made would be like a combination of science and magic.

"That's all."

He lined up the needed potions in front of Amid and smiled 'kindly' at her, causing the silver-haired girl's eyebrows to twitch.

In the end, Shiro didn't take advantage of the situation and only bought necessary potions for a price of 300,000 valis.

"By the way, please convey a message to Finn for me," Amid said to Shiro before he left.

"Please bring back some water from Cadmus' Spring on the 50th floor the next time the Loki Familia goes on an expedition."

As she spoke, Amid also took out several bottles of the highest quality elixir from under the cabinet.

"Apart from the commission payment, these bottles of elixir are your extra reward."

An expedition refers to an in-depth exploration of the dungeon by an exploration-type Familia, and top-tier exploration-type Familias like Loki Familia typically undertake such activities once or twice a month when nothing significant happens in Orario.

Many things need to be prepared for each expedition, including personnel allocation, weapon storage, potion quantities, and various items for different emergencies.

Successful expeditions not only bring prestige to the Familia's captain but also allow some Familia members to significantly increase their abilities values.

Although Finn hasn't shown any intention of embarking on an expedition recently, it shouldn't be long before he does.

Shiro has been with the Loki Familia for about a month now.

He guessed the expedition is about to start, and he needs to quickly upgrade to Lv2 to join it.

Shiro stored all the potions in his Gift card and made a joke before leaving.

"I'll convey the message. I hope to see such discounts next time too."

Amid recalled her overconfident appearance before, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

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