Chapter 26: The Gods' Return!

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Chapter 26: The Gods' Return!

On the way back, countless people nearby were watching Shiro and pointing at him.

Originally, when he went out, there were also countless people watching them, but their focus was on Ais, who was beside him.

But now, it is different. They are focusing on him!

This made Shiro feel very uncomfortable, so he quickened his pace back to Twilight Manor.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the manor, Tiona was waving her hand and shouting at him.

"Shiro! Run! Apollo is at Loki's place saying he wants to see you!!"

Hearing this, Shiro shuddered in fear.

If asked who he least wanted to encounter, it would undoubtedly be Apollo.

While he harbored some thoughts of romance in his heart, this did not mean he was gay.

Torajirou Shiro was undoubtedly heterosexual, without question.

At this time, Tione, who was behind Tiona, also ran out and punched her silly sister on the head.

"Ouch! Why did you hit me?"

"Who told you to run out after seeing Shiro without listening to the captain's words? This time, Apollo is not looking for Shiro because of that matter."

"Hehe, I was just afraid that if Shiro came in and wanted to run away, it would be too late?"

"Apollo and Loki are talking in the conference room, just come in first, and then talk about it."

In the Loki Familia's conference room, Apollo was talking with the red-haired goddess, protected by the captain of his Familia like a bodyguard.

"Loki, I really didn't take a fancy to your child."

"Huh? Do you expect me to believe what you're saying? Do you need me to tell you all the bad things you did in heaven?"

Loki almost had doubt written on her face.

"To be honest with you, I'm looking for him because it has something to do with my priesthood."

Knowing that he couldn't convince Loki, Apollo truthfully told her his purpose.

"You mean the god of prophecy or god of light?"

Apollo is the god of light and prophecy.

He sought out Torajirou Shiro because his instincts told him that he could gain something from this person that would help him progress further.

This is very tempting for Apollo.

After all, gods are a race that has never changed since their birth.

Now, there is actually a person who can make gods grow.

No matter what, Apollo wants to know what Torajirou Shiro has.

"Neither, it's the one I later asked from Zeus."

"Huh? You mean when you went to drink with Zeus with a cheeky face and tricked it from his hand?"

Back when the gods were still playing factional games in heaven, they recognized Zeus as the leader and fought battles.

Apollo was unhappy that he was given the role of the god of light and prophecy, despite his origins related to the sun.

After the war, he brought Zeus the divine wine brewed by Soma and asked for the position of sun god.

Zeus, who was drunk, forgot that he had already given that position to Helios, so he directly agreed to Apollo and gave him the responsibility of the sun god.

Anime: Start by Being a Desperado! (Danmachi+Rakudai Kishi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon