new information

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Dad is going to get it from me
How could he employ my classmate? and Without my consent.

I realized I was running in random directions and wandered in the halls. I eventually found myself in a grey and black glass room with a couch. (picture above) and a desk.

This looks like his office or maybe it's Mum considering the blue and black shades

I heard a soft voice, and that I didn't hear a lot, one that would sing lullabies to me.

I heard footsteps coming closer

I wanted to move but my feet were frozen, memories flooded in and unwanted emotion displayed through my eyes and tears.

"So I want you to send Leo to his father's company with the contract and - Oh Emmie"


The one word I used too long to hear from my mother.

3rd person Pov

This one word broke the wall that was blocking all of Esmia's emotions from the world

Her eyes gave up on holding back the tears and let them run, letting her mother know that she was not the little Emmie she once knew.

She's changed and the reason was the brunette in front of her.

Esmia's mother, Esmerelda, walked slowly and reached out her hand as if checking to see that she was real and not some dream and hallucination.

Esmia flinched at contact but didn't lean away. She found herself leaning into the touch of the woman who once wouldn't even look at her without expressing disgust and now here she was caressing her daughter's hair.

"Mama why are you here you said you read us a story " two soft voices spoke from behind Esmeralda.

Esmeralda froze and took her hand back.

Emsia looked behind her and saw
Two kids a boy and a girl both rubbing their eyes.

They had the same emerald eyes as her parent and herself and had her mum's chocolate hair. They looked about 3 years old.

They looked as though they wanted to sleep which Esmia understood since it was around 9 when she came to the office and it's been around 3 hours so it's probably 11 by now or even 12.

But mama?
When did Esmeralda get pregnant?
Why did her father not tell her?
Is she that much of an outsider now?

Esmeralda looked at Esmia as if checking if she'd ask her something.

When she didn't speak Esmeralda
Knelt in front of the twins.

"Mama is talking to your sister dear she will come in a moment you should go to bed"

"Sister? Is it Esmia mama?"

Now it was Esmia's turn to be shocked and frozen

They know me, She thought
She took a step towards them and saw that they were wide awake with their big eyes that looked like a forest staring deep into her soul

"They're your siblings Emmie"
Esmeralda broke the silence

"It's Esmia Ms.Ellis"


You hear that?

She let out a quiet sob and looked at her daughter.

Esmeralda was sorry for everything she did years ago and she knew she wouldn't be forgiven but she thought that maybe calling Her little Emmie to the agency would give her time to know her.
But now that she looked close enough the little Emmie she once knew was gone

It's your fault

You pushed her away

You put the pressure on her

You left her young

The nagging voice came back again. Feeding the demons inside her the negativity they needed.

While lost in her thoughts she didn't notice Emerald, or Esmia as she said before, kneel in front of her children

"Hello, what's your name?"

"My name is Sapphire Ellis"

"What about you little fella?"

"My name is Goerge, George Ellis"

"It's nice to meet you Sapphire and Goerge I am Emerald Eliss but please call me Esmia and I am your big sister"


I am starting a new book and I know I should finish this first but I have so many ideas I can't ignore them

I am. going to put a hold on this book for a few days or maybe months

Thanks to those who held on and those who left in the middle are still appreciated at least you all read my story I will be a better author I  promised myself that and I will not back down from that claim


for now

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