A Day in the Pack

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I brisk walked as fast as I could with my aching body. I felt like just going to my room and

resting but that was the last thing I could do. I swiped my hand across my forehead and watched as droplets of sweat fell to the ground.

I sighed as the pack house came into my line of sight and the scent of my pack members

entered my nose. 'Let's get this over with.' I thought as I slowly made my way to the front door, taking my time doing so.

I quietly opened the door and stepped in, only to see the Alpha standing right in front of me

in all his glory.

"Look who decided to come home," he mocked with a sneer adorning his face and I

inaudibly winced.

"Where were you?" he asked and I bit my bottom lip to stop the whimper about to escape my


"I-I a-am so-sorry, A-A-Alpha, I-I-I w-went to-" I whispered out looking down at the ground

and he just scoffed before kicking me right in the stomach where he had cut me yesterday.


hurt like hell and I fell to the floor, gasping for air.

He kicked me again, but this time on my back which had a huge cut which was currently in

the process of healing and this time, I let out a yelp.

"Hey, Tony, come here and help me teach this, useless piece of trash, a lesson," the Alpha

said and when I looked up, I saw the Beta smirking towards the Alpha. I looked at Beta Tony

with my teary eyes but his smirk just got wider.

"With pleasure, Alpha," he said and approached us, the smirk never leaving his face. Right

then, I knew I was done for.

When he was right in front of my face, he kicked me and I swear I heard a crunching sound.

The Alpha joined too and started kicking me all over my body while I rolled into a ball to

protect myself as much as I could.

I don't know when, but everyone joined in to torture me and it hurt, not only physically, but mentally too. They were my pack members, they were supposed protect me and treat me

like family.


I finally opened the door to my room and felt a little safer. I slowly trudged down the stairs,

limping and went to the washroom to wash up for bed.

'Hey, Iz,' said Liz and I smiled upon hearing her voice.

'Hi, Liz, how are you? Long time no talk!' I said while taking off my clothes and turning on the


'When are we leaving?' she asked as I stepped into the shower and let out a sigh before

relaxing as the cold spray of water hit my body.

'Straight to the point, I see,' I said while applying the soap all over my body.

'Just tell me, Iz,' she asked again and I sighed before thinking.

'We can't leave tomorrow because tomorrow would be the day when they double the guards

because of the guest that is arriving. They say he is a very powerful person so...' I trailed off,

evaluating when we will be able to leave.

'How about we leave next week?' I suggested, stopping in the middle of leathering my hair in shampoo.

'Yeah, I'm fine with that, as long as we do leave,' she said before disappearing to the back of

my mind.

I washed the soap off before getting out of the shower and wrapping myself up in my ragged towel. After drying myself, I went to a corner of the congested room where my closet was. It

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