Something to Lose

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I emotionlessly washed the dishes, feeling blank and used to the sad whimpers coming from my wolf. She had been like this since yesterday, refusing to stop whimpering and calling out to our mate.

‘I miss mate. I bet he is very kind and caring, not to mention; handsome.’ She said for the umpteenth time and I let out another sigh.

‘Shut up, Elizabeth, will you?!’ I said to her, getting annoyed at her because I knew how she was feeling.

Lost in thought, I accidently cut myself. I winced before sighing as I watched the cut heal.

I smelt the same scent I smelt yesterday coming closer. I slightly panicked before making a beeline for my room.

I locked myself in there, not caring about the beatings I would have to endure for slacking off. I just needed to stay away from my mate.

People usually ran towards their mates but I was running away from him. How messed up could I possibly get?

Though, I did believe that he would eventually find someone better than me and wouldn’t need to waste his breathe rejecting me and I wouldn’t need to go through the pain of getting rejected.

It was a win-win situation.

‘Aunty, I am coming. Just you wait.’ I thought with determination and felt Liz feel a little better which in turn made me feel better.

Knock knock

I flinched at the sudden sound and quickly got up from my bed I was sitting on and ran to the door.

I opened it to reveal none other than the Alpha himself. He invited himself in as I took a couple of steps back to give him space to enter.

He glared at me with his menacing eyes and I cowered back, my hands trembling. He must be here to punish me for slacking off.

He snarled angrily before pushing me down the stairs and it was like everything happened in slow motion as I rolled down the stairs, my head hitting forcefully at every step.

My body felt heavy as I fell to the ground at last. I heard him make his way downstairs but I didn’t dare look up at him.

“It’s entirely your fault, you worthless girl!” he yelled at me and slapped me. I felt dizzy after his slap but refused to show it.

He started repeatedly kicking me as I rolled myself into a small ball in a futile attempt to protect my body.

He kept saying that it was my fault why ‘the guest’ refused his offer to become allies.

After a while, he stopped and I looked up to see him taking out his favorite knife with a sinister smile adorning his features. All color left my face and a pout took its place on my lips.

“Why are you such a disappointment?” said the Alpha, his harsh words hitting my heart and piercing it.

He slid the knife against my cheek and I squeezed my eyes shut, hating the stinging sensation from the silver and wolfs bane.

Then, without a warning, he stabbed me in the stomach and I cried out before he covered my mouth with his hand.

He kept the knife in my stomach and harshly made me look up at him by my chin. His eyes shone with amusement as tears fell from my eyes.

He again placed his hand on my mouth before twisting the knife. My eyes widened and a muffled scream left my mouth. He took the knife out and I started coughing up blood.

“Ugh, my hand! You got your blood all over me, you trash!” he spat in my face and punched me square in the jaw.

He made me look at the small blood stain on his shoe and then pushed me away like I was made of filth.

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