...We Make Progress

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We sat there on the ground, just enjoying each other's company. I had placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as a small smile played on my lips.

I felt complete and content with him which made me feel fuzzy inside. I was still scared, but I had decided to stop letting fear control my life and just do things my way.

Which was; being normal for once and giving Ethan a true chance this time.

'Damn, Iz, you are really making me proud right now,' Liz's words just added to the happiness and I felt my smile widen, just a tiny bit.

I felt Ethan shift a little and my eyes snapped open. My luck had run out and our hug was ending...

...but I wanted just a little more time in his warm embrace. And I had just started getting comfy!

I tried to get out of his arms so he could get up now, but he just tightened his arms around me. I looked up and into his mesmerising eyes, trying to figure him out.

"C-Can't we s-stay like this for 10 more minutes? I don't wanna push my luck with you but..." He trailed off and looked away, on the floor in front of us. His eyebrows were furrowed and his grip on me tightened a little more.

I heard my heart break at the fact that he had to be careful around me. I was his mate, he didn't need to do that, and I thought I was the only one who was careful.

I bit down on my bottom lip, stopping myself from saying anything without giving it much thought and started turning the wheels of my head.

What should I do to make this better? What should I do to make him feel at ease with me? Should I just be myself? Nope. Not an option.

'Spit something out, you dimwit! Mate is waiting!'

I quickly looked at Ethan and for a moment, my mind went totally blank. Holy pancakes, he was so good looking.

Anyway, here goes...

"O-Of c-course, we can," I said and sealed my lips in a straight line right after. His lips spread in a big smile and I looked down on my lap with my heart beating a little faster than usual.

I moved closer to him and got comfortable on his lap. He, too, readjusted his arms around me and rested his face in the crook of my neck.

I shivered when I felt him sniff and blushed so hard at the fact that we were so close.

Why was it setting in, now?!

He smiled against my neck and I felt another shiver run down my spine. All of a sudden, he hooked one of his arms under my legs and stood up.

I was totally very fat and would make him tired if he kept me in his arms like that, so I did the most reasonable thing that I could and tried to get out of his arms. Again.

He didn't let go and walked to the bed. My eyes widened and my eyes darted from Ethan to the bed, and then to Ethan and again to the bed and repeat.

What was he going to do with me?! I wasn't ready for this at all.

My face was hot, my heart was beating rapidly and my mind was wandering to all the wrong places.

Would he try to kill me on the bed, now? Oh, please let it be anything but that. Was he going to beat me with his belt? Mentally scarring, but bearable.

'Stop, Iz. Just stop. I thought we were finally making some progr-' Liz got cut off by my mind snapping back to reality when I felt the bed underneath me.


"You really thought that you could talk back to me and get away with it, you worthless piece of trash?!" Alpha Pedro said as he threw me on the bed while I refused to utter a single word.

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