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     I was determined to write a perfect love letter for Helia. The night was quiet, and I sat at my desk with candlelight. I tried to capture how much I loved him, how his smile brightened my day, and his kindness meant so much to me.

As I kept writing, I started feeling tired. I wanted this letter to express everything, but I couldn't stay awake. I fell asleep with dreams of Helia in my mind, mixing with the words I wrote.

In the morning, sunlight woke me up. Serenity, my pixie friend, was there, gently waking me.

"Caia, wake up," Serenity whispered. "You fell asleep writing."

I blinked, realizing I hadn't finished the letter. "Did I finish it?" I asked.

Serenity smiled. "Not quite, but it's beautiful. Your feelings are clear in every word."

Feeling a bit relieved, I looked at the letter. "Thank you, Serenity." I said, determined to complete the letter and share all my feelings for Helia.

Moving quickly, I packed my bag in a rush, knowing I had to leave soon.

Folding the half-finished letter, I put it carefully in my bag, close to my heart. Those words were everything I felt, and I couldn't wait to finish and share them with Helia.

Zipping up my bag, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Today was the day I would tell Helia how I felt, and I wanted everything to be just right.

With my bag packed and the letter safely tucked away, I took a deep breath, feeling butterflies in my stomach. This was the moment I had been waiting for.

I dashed out of my room and headed straight for breakfast. Bursting into the dining area, I found the girls chatting and enjoying their morning meal.

"I'm skipping breakfast today," I announced breathlessly, "I'm going for a walk in the forest."

Before anyone could respond, I turned and hurried out of Alfea, not waiting for any reactions. The girls looked at each other with amusement and shrugged, knowing my impulsive nature.

Stella smirked and giggled, saying, "That's Caia for you, always full of surprises!"

As I disappeared into the forest, my heart raced with excitement.

As I walked through the forest, lost in my thoughts, I suddenly spotted Helia in the distance. My heart skipped a beat, and without realizing it, I stumbled over a rock, sending all my things flying to the ground.

Books, pens, and my precious letter scattered around me as I tried to regain my balance. Before I knew it, Helia was rushing over to help, concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, reaching out to steady me.

I blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "I-I'm fine," I stammered, trying to gather my scattered belongings.

Helia bent down, picking up the items that had fallen. "Here, let me help you," he said with a gentle smile.

As we gathered my things together, I couldn't help but steal glances at him, my cheeks still flushed. Despite the clumsiness of the moment, I felt a warmth spreading through me at his kindness and concern.

"Thank you," I said softly, meeting his gaze with a shy smile.

Helia returned the smile, his eyes sparkling. "Anytime. Are you heading somewhere?"

I nodded, holding up my letter. "I was just... taking a walk and trying to gather my thoughts."

As Helia helped me gather my scattered belongings, his eyes caught sight of the letter I had been writing. He picked it up, glancing at the half-written words with curiosity.

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