24|Dakar's Prisoner|

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Stella, Musa, Tecna, and I were at Alfea while Flora went to Pixie Billiard to see if she could heal the blossom..

  At the beginning of the day, I joined the girls for our convergence class, but my mind was consumed by worries and unanswered questions. Thoughts of my recurring dreams and the unsettling experience of being possessed by strange smoke lingered, causing me to lose focus on the lesson at hand.

Despite my efforts, I couldn't shake off the distractions, and as a result, I ultimately failed the convergence.

During the convergence class, my mind was elsewhere, and it showed in my performance. As the class ended, Stella approached me with a concerned look. "Hey, are you okay? You seemed really distracted today," she said, her voice filled with genuine worry.

I sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude for her concern. "I'm just dealing with some stuff," I admitted, not wanting to burden her with the details just yet.

Musa and Tecna joined us, their expressions mirroring Stella's concern. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Tecna asked, her analytical mind already searching for solutions.

I smiled weakly, touched by their support. "I appreciate it, really. I think I just need some time to sort things out," I replied.


Later I decided to seek guidance and help from Avalon.

"I just feel guilty for failing and giving away the Codex," I confessed to Avalon, my voice tinged with regret. "I had no control over myself when I was possessed, but it still feels like a personal failure."

Avalon placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his expression empathetic. "You mustn't blame yourself for what happened while you were under another influence," he said reassuringly. "What matters now is how you move forward and learn from these experiences."

Avalon's eyes glowed with a gentle intensity as he focused his magic, forming a small, shimmering yellow ball in his palm. "If you truly want to overcome this and regain your strength," he said softly, "step inside this ball. It should help."

I hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in my eyes. Could this magical ball really offer the guidance and strength I needed? Yet, something in Avalon's demeanor and the warm glow of the ball encouraged me to trust in his words.

As I stepped inside the shimmering yellow ball, Avalon followed suit, his presence reassuring yet tinged with a hint of concern. Sensing my unease, he listened attentively as I voiced my doubts.

"I don't know how I feel about this spell," I admitted, my voice betraying a mixture of uncertainty and apprehension. "I'm picking up a lot of negative energy and dark magic."

"That's right, my dear," he had replied with a sinister grin, confirming my suspicions about the spell's dark nature. Before I could react, Avalon stepped forward, his demeanor shifting into something malevolent.

"You are trapped!" His voice took on an eerie tone as he transformed before my eyes. Fangs protruded from his mouth, and dark wings unfurled from his back, giving him a menacing appearance.

Fear gripped me as I stumbled backward, my heart pounding in my chest. "No!" I cried out in terror, realizing too late that I had walked right into a trap.

Avalon, or whatever dark force had taken control of him, advanced toward me with an unsettling calmness. "You are mine now," he hissed, the darkness in his eyes betraying any semblance of the kind mentor I once knew.

As the blackness closed in around me, I felt a sense of suffocation, as if the very air had turned heavy and oppressive. Desperate gasps escaped my lips as I tried to push back against the encroaching void, but it was futile. The darkness seemed to seep into every corner of my being, filling me with dread and uncertainty.

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