Chapter One

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"You can hold my hand."


"Nevermind, it's nothing." He deflected, smiling weakly and stuffing his hands in his pockets as the pair continued walking down the overgrown path. The young maiden pressed her lips, eyes squinting as various endings of this situation ran through her mind.

She'd known the prince for a while, yes, but she never considered the reason behind his sudden change in demeanor towards her. He couldn't possibly...

She faltered for a moment, heat rushing to her cheeks and ears. Slowly inching her arms forward, she latched onto the boy's arm. He turned to her, his expression unreadable; she couldn't tell if her actions were acceptable or not, but regardless, their situation in general wasn't conventionally "acceptable."

"Is... Is this okay?" She asked, his arm limp as she intertwined their fingers. Their hands fit together like pieces of a puzzle, and the longing behind each and every movement expressed just how long those pieces had been waiting to be one. He didn't respond, just beamed gently, nodding as the tips of his pointed ears turned red. "Okay. Good," She smiled sweetly, gazing up at the boy at her side.

"Your highness?"

"Ah, yes, Ren?" Raelyn snapped back to reality, her knight gazing at her with worry.

"You spaced out again... Are you alright?" Ren asked, resting a hand on the other's arm. Raelyn sighed, before smiling softly.

"This is where the king and I would spend most of our days; 'm just... reminiscing."

"Would you like to take a different route?" Raelyn shook her head.

"No. It's been far too long since I've visited, and I mustn't let Kiernan's death taint the beauty of the memories we made together."

"I understand, my queen."

"How many times have I told you that you don't have to call me that?" She laughed, ruffling the girl's hair.

"I apologize," Ren chortled.

"So, how long until we reach Lavondila?" Raelyn asked, adjusting the sword on her hip as they continued their trek through the forest.

"I'd say at least a few hours. It's very inconvenient without horses." Ren shook out the map, quizzically biting her tongue and turning the paper in numerous ways.

"Indeed it is, but hopefully that is a problem that will soon be solved." Raelyn reached over and adjusted the map right-side-up, Ren muttering a soft "thank you" and making her companion chuckle.

"You think they'll help us?" Ren questioned, hopping over a moss-covered log.

"I really hope they will, since those vexing gremlins have really sabotaged us. I understand though, if the Fauna creatures are a tad standoffish; tensions are high at the moment." Raelyn replied.

"You're right, the Shadow Elves and Dragonkin are brutal lately—" Raelyn frowned at the mention of the Shadow Elves. "Oh my gosh, my queen, I'm so sorry. That was so insensitive of me,"

"Ren, please, it's okay." Raelyn rested a hand on her shoulder, "It's almost been six months since his death, and I can't let it control my life, right? Isn't that what you said?" Ren gulped as she thought back to that moment almost six months prior.


"I haven't seen the King and Queen in a while,"

"Maybe something bad happened?"

The Tales of ScoraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora