Chapter Seven

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"Great! Since Rydel and Beira will go get the ginger, that leaves the feverfew and lion's mane to Drago and Rivka; you'll want to go up towards Lavondila and Chivalin for those." Raelyn cut her off, making Beira even angrier.

"Yeah, thankfully I'm familiar with both of those things." Drago nodded with a smile, arms crossed.

"But—" Beira began.

"Beira, it'll be quicker if Drago and Rivka go up north, since Drago can fly. We don't have the time to walk or ride there. Do you have a problem with my decision?" Raelyn raised a brow.

"Yes, actually—"

"Wonderful. We should head out as soon as possible, Ren... she's already been gone for around a day now. We don't have much time." Raelyn frowned.

"You all should get some rest—" Chibi started.

"No, no, we can't wait that long." The latter protested, stuffing a list in her satchel. "We must leave now." She hugged Chibi reassuringly. "I know that what happened to Ren is just as upsetting for you, if not more than it is for me. I promise, we'll bring the ingredients back safely."

"Hey," Ailia said, smiling as she approached Drago, pulling him into a hug. "Be safe. Please."

"I will hon, I promise." He grinned, pulling away and giving her a sweet kiss. "You be safe too, alright?"

"I'm a lethal weapon, Drago, of course I'll be safe." She smirked, making her fiance laugh.

"Are you ready, Ailia?" Raelyn asked, adjusting the strap of her bag.

"Yes ma'am, I am!" Ailia replied, before giving Drago another swift kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled, waving to the pair as they left with Beira and Rydel. "Well, Rivka, it's just me and you. Are you ready?"

"Ready when you are!" The strawberry blonde replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, let's head out."

"Hey, be safe!" Chibi said, walking towards them. "I heard that there's high Shadow Elf activity in that area."

"We'll be careful, Chibi. I promise." Drago assured her, before stepping outside of the royal's abode.

"You're not afraid of heights, are you?" The fey asked, his wings outstretched as Rivka climbed on his back.

"I don't think so."

"Wonderful." He replied. "Hold on tight!" He pushed off the ground, wings flapping powerfully as the pair rose in the air, flying towards the direction of Chivalin.

"Woah!" Rivka exclaimed, eyes squeezed shut as she hid her face against his neck. "I don't like this at all!"

"I thought you said you weren't scared." Drago teased, making sure to hold onto the teenager tight.

"I was lying, obviously!"

"Alright, alright, calm down." He laughed, "Look, we're just gliding at this point. The scary part's over, and we'll be there in no time. See?" He pointed a little ways in the distance. "There's Lindion."

"And there's Chivalin..." Rivka winced, neither of them able to miss the wall of eternal darkness overtaking the kingdom. Drago had almost forgotten, with everything else that had happened, the fact that the kingdom was completely void of light was tossed to the side.

"Goodness gracious." Drago breathed, seeing how the darkness continued upward into the sky for as far as he could see. "It's just... never ending."

"I'm glad Raelyn didn't come this way." Rivka said quietly. "If it's shocking for us, imagine how shocking it'd be for her."

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