Chapter Five

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 "I... don't even know what to say." Rivka breathed.

"Don't fret, I'm used to these kinds of reactions." The dark-blonde royal laughed, her damp, soft curls bouncing gently with the movement. Her delicate, green dress trailed behind her, emphasizing the green highlights in her tresses as well as the green hue of her skin and fin-like ears. Raelyn acted first, moving forward and bowing to the princess.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Princess Chibi. I'm Queen Raelyn Alva of Chivalin."

"Wait, Raelyn? I've heard about you quite a bit from a dear friend of mine! It's so nice to finally have a face to match the name."

"I wish it were for a better reason that we're meeting today." Raelyn frowned. "You see, we desperately need your help."

"Oh? What is the matter?" Chibi furrowed her brows in concern, watching as Drago placed Ren's corpse before her and slowly pulled away the covering. She gasped shakily, her hands coming up to cover her mouth as tears welled in her mossy-green eyes. "Oh my... No, this can't be,"

"What is it?" Ailia asked worriedly, as Raelyn tried to keep her emotions under control.

"We grew up together," Chibi breathed, kneeling beside her lifeless form. "She... She's my best friend, she's like a sister to me... This is the dear friend that told me about you, Raelyn,"

"Wait, really?" Raelyn swallowed down the lump in her throat, her eyes burning with faint tears.

"Yes, we've known each other since we were children but... She didn't have much time to come visit recently because of her new post at the castle..." She shuddered in despair, lowering her head to rest on Ren's torso.

"She's my appointed knight." Chibi gazed at the Queen in surprise, "It's because of me that she hasn't been able to visit... I'm so sorry."

"Why are you sorry...?" Raelyn let out a quiet sob.

"It's also my fault that she's dead."

"Raelyn Alva." Ailia scolded softly, putting her hands on her shoulders. "I told you to not say that again. It isn't your fault—"

"She died protecting me. And god, do I wish I could say she didn't suffer..."

"I can tell that she means a lot to you, just as she does to me. I'm guessing you've come to revive her...?"

"She told us to find you." Chibi laughed nasally, wiping the tears that were settling on her cheeks.

"Of course she did. I guess sometimes she isn't completely a dummy." She looked back up at Raelyn, eyes softening as she stood and pulled her into a hug. "We're going to save her. We must."


"So unfortunately, my healing powers alone won't be enough to revive her." Chibi stated, pacing in front of her throne. "They need to be enhanced first."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we can acquire it." Ailia nodded with determination.

"I like your enthusiasm." Chibi grinned, "There is one main ingredient I'll need; Calabar beans. However, they are extremely toxic if used incorrectly or ingested, so don't do anything with them other than bring them here."

"If they're toxic, how on earth will they enhance your powers?" Rivka questioned, hands on her hips.

"Don't worry! I'm going to extract the oils and make a tea." Rivka stared back in disbelief. "I'll need some tumeric as well... Oh! And feverfew, lion's mane, ginger... Although that'll make a nasty tasting tea."

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