Chapter 11

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The whole night of driving to Denver was in front of them. They filled the car's tank till the brink and also took canisters with more fuel.

When they were in the car and driving, Regina asked to Marcus show his bank card.

"Where did you get this?"

"Remember I told you about the group on Earth who knows about us? They opened an account for us and sent information on what your cards were looking like so we could print it on a 3D printer," he answered her.

She took it in her hands and studied it closely. She tried to bend it, but he knew, that it was hard and unyielding. "Interesting material. What is it made from?"

"It's a new type of organic glass."

"Huh, you could've made it from plastic. It's cheaper," she gave him the card back and concentrated on the driving.

Marcus clenched his teeth at her response, not wanting to start a fight with her or reveal anything he wasn't ready to share. He changed topic instead.

"Why do you live so far away from your family?" He still needed to find out what relationship she had with her father. Because for him, the family was everything, and he couldn't understand how you could choose to go so far away from them. Probably he wouldn't go too far away on Mars, because everyone lived in close proximity, but still. It didn't sit well with him.

She was silent for a while, and he thought, that she won't share anything, but eventually, she started talking.

"Well, I wanted to be a detective since childhood. Do you know Sherlock Holmes?"

"You mean the literary character?" He was dumbfounded again by her jumping thoughts.

"Yes, Sherlock was my obsession since childhood. I wanted to be like him. To investigate cases and to help make this world safer, without criminals in it. I went to the Police Academy in Washington, and then I'd found a job in LAPD."

She was reserved when she said that. Like she didn't want to share more than he needed to know.

"But why so far away?" Was she ashamed of her family? Or was it because of what had happened to her? The articles had indicated it was bad, but he hadn't guessed at how much pain the incident had left her in.

"Because if I lived in the same city, my family would be in harm's ways. With the work I do, constantly interacting with criminals, someone could've used me or my family to gain something they want. Being as far away from them as possible, I'm saving my family from the awfulness of our world which is filled with bad guys who will do everything to achieve their nefarious goals."

"And you chose your work over your family?" he wanted to ask it calmly, but he could hear that there was a note of contempt seeping in his voice.

"What? No! Of course not. What I'm doing, I'm doing for my family. So they and everybody else would be safe. I want to make an impact on this world and catch as many bad guys, as I can. Only then, I can relax and maybe start a family on my own." He saw that she was a little riled up saying that.

"Do you have a husband?" He didn't think about it when they went to her house. Their mission was to find her and get her help. And maybe she had someone close in LA other than her family in Washington.

"Did you not just heard what I said? What husband? I don't even have a boyfriend. I have dates occasionally, but it's only for health, you know. Relationships will only complicate my work and distract me."

Her tone was raised, he was pissing her off, but he couldn't stop himself from telling her, "I think that you're wrong. Family and close people aren't complications; they support you in everything. They share your joy and listen to you and help you when you have a hard time. They give you their love, and it strengthens you."

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